
What to do about a registered criminal?

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2 Weeks ago we got a message on the door saying that a registered s*x offender was moving into a house next door. Apparently in my state s*x offenders have to register every time they move and there are other groups that print out notices for people in the neighborhoods. It turns out this guy is really creepy. He is always hanging out in his front lawn! All day long! Well the other day my son and his friends had words with him. Since then it has escalated into all the neighborhood kids taunting and mocking when ever they see him. It really got out of hand last night when I was waiting on my son to get home from practice. The creep came over and tried to whine about everyone giving a him a hard time. He had some sob story about when he was 17 he was involved with a 16 year old whose Mother got him prosecuted over a personal dislike. I told him to get off my property before I lost my cool. Right then my son and his buddies came walking up the driveway. The jerk told the kids they needed to respect their elders and called one an a*****e when he flipped the bird. Then it went crazy. Someone brained him with a rock and when he went down the kids took turns stomping him. I was finally able to calm and dispere the group and drag my son inside. The police showed up at my house but since all the kids were under 18 none of them will be charged with a crime. I do have the option of pressing charges on the pedo for assualt. The officers said this would violate his probation and he would be sent back to prison for maybe 10 more years. I am worried that this won't be enough. Should I press charges and trust the cops to take care of it or another friend of my son suggested burning the guy's house down. What should I do?




  1. It sounds like your son and the other neighborhood kids are the problem.  They should be the ones in prison.  Have you actually looked into what this guys crime was???  If what he says is the truth in that he was 17 and he had s*x with a 16 year old then I don't see any reason for you to be acting like jerks to him.

  2. Are you people crazy or just plain old trash?  I understand that it sucks having a s*x offender live next door, but you can't just go and assault him.  As far as I can tell by your son's actions (as well as his friends) they assaulted him.  You can't just go throwing rocks at people and stomping people who say things you don't agree with.  And your kids can be charged even though they are not yet 18.  This man according to law has paid his debt to society and he is in compliance with the registration laws.  If you don't like the guy then stay away from him, and stop letting your juvenile delinquent son beat him up before he gets charged with assault and battery.

    If you're so concerned about the case instead of harassing this guy why don't you look up the circumstances of his crime.  A lot of young guys are convicted and labeled as s*x offender's because they were sleeping with their high school girlfriends and their parents got mad and pressed charges (prior to "romeo/juliet" stipulations".  Its possible that he was one of these ppl.

    Everyone flips out about sexual predators and they are afraid to live near them...yeah it is a bit scary, but people don't seem to realize that there are a lot of sexual predators out there that have not been caught and are not registered.  Those are the ones you need to worry about.

  3. i would be going nuts as well but i agree with some of the other people above, it sounds like the other kids are the ones causing the problem. it may look creepy that he stands out in the lawn all day, but really, the guy just got out of prision and is probably just enjoying his freedom and fresh air. and. there are alot of people who have been convicted of a sexual offensive when they were younger just because their girlfriends parents didnt like him and they wouldnt stay away from eachother. and then you have all the girls with the physo gene that press charges of the same matter against men just because the guy would have s*x with them or give them something and they have rejection issues. so, not everybody whos been convicted are actually molestors. you have to give the benefit of doubt but stay away anyways just to make sure. the kids need to just leave him alone and you too.


    The current world we live in, especially the United States, suffers from an overwhelming number of criminal offenders. As time moves on, crime only seems to increase. Unfortunately now days, criminals have more ways of getting at the ones we love. Although this is the case, we can prepare ourselves in new ways. Our computers do allow us into their personal worlds.

    With such methods as criminal background searches, we are able to view who did what and where. This way we can be further prepared for potential crime. A variety of search engines such as Abica allow us to research individual backgrounds. For example, if a man moves next door to you and you know his name, you can do a search on him to see if he has prior convictions.

    In reality, most of us cringe at the thought of rapists and pedophiles, but we should be wary of them living close by, especially if we have children of our own to protect. We must ensure that the ones we love are kept clear from harm.

    By using databases such as,, we can obtain that vital information before making the mistake of moving next door to a sexual predator. Sites such as these do often charge a fee depending on what you're searching. For example, a state search may cost you around 15 dollars, while a nationwide search will typically run you more.

    When I moved to Ohio about a year ago, my wife and I wanted any information concerning s*x offenders in potential neighborhoods we were considering. As it turned out, we found an ideal house to our liking. However, we were informed by our real-estate agent, who had done a criminal background search, that a registered s*x offender lived right down the street, in the same neighborhood. Although the house was ideal in size and price, we had to pass, knowing this. Since we can't watch our kids every single second of the day, we must at least keep them safe from what we do know is out there.

    I realize that not everyone has children, and not everyone is concerned with the whereabouts of convicted criminals. These kinds of things don't seem to take much precedence in our everyday busy lives. On the other hand, a simple criminal background search via your home computer doesn't take much of an effort. When we truly compare the value of our safety and the safety of our families, that little online search may be well worth the minor trouble.  this is some of the information that is on the website that i just given you.

  5. Leave the guy alone and tell your son and his friends to do the same.

  6. I think you are a troll, because several issues in this do not add up to reality.

    If he was not a s*x offender, would it be creepy for him to be in his yard all the time?  He is doing nothing wrong.  I know plenty of people who do the same, and they are not s*x offenders.

    First of all, there ARE s*x offenders that are convicted of non violent crimes such as the one he describes.  That is totally different from rape or assaulting a child.  Whether it is true or not, we do not know-some s*x offender registries list the specific crime and some do not.  Have you visited your s*x offender registry for your state?  This is the precise reason why I believe that the exact crime should be public.

    Second of all, the children should not harass this man and they CAN be charged with harassment, assault and battery, etc.  Just because they are minors does not mean they will not be charged.  If they were in a group, it makes the charges more severe.

    Next, I find it unlikely that what he did was a violation of his probation and parole.  

    Try to burn the house down, and you will be in jail-where it sounds like you belong.

  7. Sounds like you've taught your son poorly.  I see no reason for these kids to get off scott free.  

    Frankly, it sounds like a made up story.

  8. you could do some research before jumping to conclusions. i have two children and i know i would be going crazy if a s*x offender moved in next door to me, but he's still a human being and you are not setting a good example to your children by letting them assault someone who has already served their time and is trying to repay their debt to society. if he was telling the truth and you still have such a problem with it maybe you should move. when you were 16 or 17 did you have a bf that was older than you? a lot of girls do nowadays and mom gets mad and presses charges on the guy and he is labeled s*x offender for the rest of his life. you should show some decency if he is telling the truth.

  9. This is the wrong way to do it but hey, you asked for my opinion.

    Find out what his crime was.  It'll be easy if you know his name and address.  If it's something heinous press charges and get rid of the guy.  If it really was he was 17 and had a 16 year old girlfriend we shouldn't be treating him like a criminal--the difference could have literally been only a few days in age.

    It does worry me that a s*x offender sits outside and watches the kids walk by all day.  That's not normal behavior for anyone and is even more disturbing if he's a real dirtbag.  Obviously if he were inside the kids wouldn't be taunting him like they are now.  Makes me wonder if he wants the attention from the kids.

    All that being said.  Your kids should have never threw a rock at his head and certainly not "stomped" him.  Shame on you for not acting more like an adult and stopping the situation before it escalated to that point.  Your child should be disciplined for that sort of behavior.  You're lucky the guy wasn't seriously injured or the police would have been happy to throw the kids in juvie or worse, charge them as adults.

  10. You need to kill this guy. I had almost the exact same thing happen to me. This guy moved in who said he was "Blamed" for a crime he "didn't" commit. Next thing i know he is having people over and having BBQ's and inviting all the neighbors. He couldn't fool me though i know he only wanted us over so he could get close enough to kidnap and rape one of our kids and then throw their dead body in the lake. It didn't take long until i saw him congratulating some little boy about making a basketball shot. I knew right then and there that he had to be taken care of. I wont tell you what happened but lets just say that no one will ever see him again unless the like to scuba dive off the coast of Southern Mexico. Take my advice and do something before he starts congratulating your kids!!!!!

  11. One of my best friends went to jail for living with his 16 yr old girlfriend in her parents house ( he was 18) her parents caught them having s*x ( no big surprise there he lived in her bedroom)   He served 10 years in prison for multple counts of statutory rape ( the girl estimated how many times they had s*x)  and now he is a registered offender so what your new neighbor says could be true so in my opinion your neighborhood kids are the problem .. if you don't want him bothering your kids then your kids shouldn't bother him.  

  12. i suggest pressing chargers aggenest him but then again i wouldn't because your son and his friends could also get in trouble if he counter sues but he broke his probation so i say sue him  cuz he makes you feel un safe and he is a danger to you kids.

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