
What to do about a selfish sister?

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I just asked my sister could I wear a pair of her earrings with an outfit; She came up with an excuse for me not to, but just a month ago I let her use my favorite purse for a month. Why is she so selfish when it comes to her things? I wasn't going to eat her earrings or break them on purpose. I didn't say that when I let her use my nice looking purse. To add, I'm a very generous person and I'd give the world to anyone if they asked for it. I'm trying discover, Why do I get treated differently by people when it comes to thing and asking for it? She's not the only person and there are others who act like this too. What do I do with these kind of people?




  1. I absolutely adore generous people. They are the rarest thing in the world. However there is a very fine line between being a dear and being a doormat. Speak Up. Ask her why she wouldn't let you borrow the earrings especially since you lent her your purse for an entire month. If her answer is less than satisfactory, tell her that. Then walk away. The same thing with everybody else. Frequently people mistake nice for weak, and try to take advantage of you. Don't let them. You have to understand that the chances of someone being as nice as you are very slim, and not to waste your generosity on people who don't appreciate it.

  2. I would calmly say "Ok, I thought since I loan you my things you would be nice and do the same but I guess I was wrong about you." and then just walk away and say nothing else. And don't yell it, say it in a calm voice and it will get to her. She feel start feeling guilty. If not, don't loan her anything ever again. Selfish people usually won't change, they stay that way. So just keep being the caring, giving person you are but don't let people walk all over you.

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