
What to do about baby sitters with small apartments

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I'm trying to find a sitter for my 16 month old but am struggling because of the lack of space they all seem to have. Only a couple I have looked at have extremely small apartments, but we have a 1900sqft house of which our son gets about 1700sqft to play in. That means that even the bigger apartments we've been too are small in comparison.

My son is a product of his environment. Since he has tons of space at home to play, run, and mess around in, he enjoys running and exploring and having all of that room. When he's in small areas he struggles, which makes those who are with him struggle.

So, what are some ideas and options that you can share? Should I try to find someone who can come to my home, find an actual daycare, just deal with him being in someone's smaller apartment, or what else?




  1. let them come to you

  2. I'd just help him learn to deal with being in a smaller place. He's getting to the age where he'll be out and about, and having him learn to adapt is one of the best skills you can give him. We moved from a larger apartment with a playground, fenced in backyard, and tons of room and sidewalks to ride bikes on to a 2nd story walkup with no yard at all(my idiot bf picked the place) with my daughter when she was 17 months. She deals with it just fine, and is getting way better with going out and being in different places and situations. Good luck!  

  3. like said before, not many people who babysit will own that large of a house.  Its also very hard to find a responsible adult to come to your house, unless you are ok with a teenager?  I think your best bet is for him to be at a daycare which will be great for him if he loves to run around.  He will have a chance to interact and play with other children his age.  Also most daycares have lesson plans which are directed for his development, that means he will be learning more and discovering his world around him.  A lot of in home day cares do not provide this.  

  4. You should have the babysitter come to you, then. Or, you can have him adjust to the space change. He doesn't need 1700 square feet to play in! We are a family of 4 and a dog living in a 900 square foot house and we get along just fine. Trust me, he doesn't need that much space! He's fine!

  5. Well......have the sitter come to you or don't have a sitter at all.

    Kids are adaptable, they don't feel couped up if they live in a small space. Don't worry yourself.  

  6. I suggest you arrange for the babysitter to come to you. You are

    not likely to find too many people who make enough money babysitting to afford a 1900 square foot house. Plus it is easier than you having to drive your son to the babysitter etc.

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