
What to do about bullying?

by  |  earlier

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ever since we moved into these low income housing this one girl has took apon here to make my daughters life miserable. She calls her name she pused her and so on, they both go to the same school and she still persist, ive gone to the principal and he says it my daughter that the trouble maker, but ive pulled my daughter out of school, she stopped taken her bus she comes home crying and now the other teachers are bullying her, one teacher told her to put a bag over her head so she wouldnt have to look at gettin really tired of thinking of goin to the school board about this...she has even waited till katie got aout of the bathroom to have her fun....she kiked her pused her ram her against the wall, pinned her between two doors..called her nasty names...what should i do




  1. You need to notify that girls parents/guardian and let them know what she's doing to your daughter.  Of course she may defend herself saying that your daughter provoked her but it's two words against one and her parents still need to know how she treats people.

    You need to go to the school board and let know what is on your mind.  A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment.

    If all else fails, make a police report.

  2. If I was you, literally, I would kill them.

  3. Send her back to school with a secret camera and audio recorder then when you get the footage make a copy and then threaten to sue the school for making an unsafe learning environment.  When you show them the video they will be more than willing to put a stop to the behavior.

  4. u can tell the bullying urself maybe she's scared of adults

  5. call the cops, theres nothing they dont take seriously

  6. omg i would be so pissed if i were you why would they treat your daughter like than. first of all dont even let your daughter go to that ****** school since the way the treat her is so bad. let her switch school and make sure you yell at one girl who makes fun of your daughter. yell at her and at her ****** parents cuz i just cant stand people like that. if that still doesnt work, consider taking your daughter to martial arts class so she will know how to defend herself. but ya i would still go to the school board and make sure you yell at every single staff member. ****** people i cant stand people like that

  7. One yes do go to the school board

    Two try to be at the school more often to moniter your child and talk to the teachers and / or move toa diffirent school or even home school

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