I used to do gymnastics when I was little. I was able to get to level six, but then my parents decided I should quit, since we had problems with my coach.
I thought that I would continue with another coach, but I never got to.
So now I'm fourteen, turning fifteen in October, and I really want to continue. I have been asking my parents to let me continue my training, and I think that they are starting to agree with me.
I'm really not sure if I should though. I haven't done anything, sportwise, for the last four years. I kinda got a bit chubby. My doctor said that he's still deciding if I should, if that would help you answer better.
I don't really think it would be a problem, but I really forgot alot of stuff. ( I know, I'm very dissappointed on quiting. I worked my way up that far, and then suddenly, four years pass and I "forget", or can't perform anything correctly anymore. I can't even do a proper split.)
So, would you think they'd send me back a level? Would they make me continue where I started? Do you think that I should continue and is it safe for me?
And one extra question... My friend was thinking of joining me, but he hasn't had one gymnastic lesson in his life. Is it very uncommon to see a fourteen year old dude learning gymnastics, or tumbling, with a bunch of little kids? Is it even safe for him? He's in good physical condition, as far as I can tell.
Please, and Thanks for the answers. Real life decision...