
What to do about him talking to other girls online.?

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What Should I do? My husband is constantly talking to girls over the internet. He swears he has never gone off the computer to talk. But i thinks it is cheating and I am fed up. i want a divorce. we have 2 really young sons, So I am a little scared. but he always seems to do this when we fight. My concern is if the intent is there to do it on the computer what is to stop him from meeting them in person.




  1. Your right for thinking that way.  The next step is to meet those people in person.  Things will not get better if he doesn't not talk to you about  your problems as he is confiding in others about your issues.  He can start to develop feelings for those girls especially if he is talking to those girls after you two fight.  Hopefully it doesn't get to the point where he cheats.  Communicate with him and tell him how you feel about him talking to the other girls.  You have to do the best thing for yourself and your two sons.  You don't want your two sons to live in a unhealthy environment.  

  2. i'm with dj conquest.........what tv station does that show come out on again?

  3. THAT IS A HUGE NO NO. he is obviously too preoccupied with the other girls..I would cut him off the good stuff until he straightens up. I think it's an emotional cheating. he is not emotionally connected to you so he finds it elsewhere. could set him up, like if you know he is going to be on at a certain time go to a friends house and set up an account and then see if he chats with you....take it as long as you can to set up a meet date then if he falls for it and you meet him, then you can hand him divorce papers, just to scare him, at that time and say as you walk away I guess I really can't trust you.

    FYI: the divorce would not be bc of the internet but because of the lack of trust you marry bc you trust someone with your life your emotions your future if you loose the trust then you loose part of your marriage and it is up to you if you want to regain it or let it go.

    good luck

  4. Check the computer history on the top where

    it shows favorites on the side it says

    history check u can see everything hes done on the computer if its true what your thinking then dont let him just get away with it!!

    your kids dont need to go  threw that

  5. Divorce is pretty strong. Are there other problems not mentioned here that you have between you both that would make you come to the conclusion of divorce?

      I think before you hit the lawyers office, you need to sit down & talk to each other about what's going on in your relationship, & what you 2 need to do to resolve those issues. You should bring it to his attention that when he talks to other girls on the internet, it bothers you & you feel he's trying to cheat on you.  

      Jealousy can be a dangerous ground to walk on. A little can be healthy, but too much can cause much grief. If you're overly jealous, it will send the message that you absolutely don't trust him & it has a tendency to backfire & push him to be unfaithful.

        While talking to him, why don't you ask him why he talks to other girls online.  

       Try working things out with him before you jump into a divorce.  

  6. are the girls brazilians?

    i like them

  7. that is cheating. i am soo sorry your going through this =[.

  8. Firstly we need to understand what's going on here first:

    1) When you say girls, are you saying very young girls (i.e. under the age of consent) - if that's the case, then you've definitely got reason to be concerned.

    2) If you mean girls as in other women - that may not be a problem since they may just be his female friends - however if it becomes obssessive or you have evidence he's flirting with them, then you've got a problem there too.

    In the interest of the kids you should try to talk to your husband about this and if he's got half a conscience, he should realise what he's doing is wrong. Tell him you'll help him get through it.

    If he can't accept this then tell him that there may be no choice but to divorce him since you don't want the kids living in a household where their parents don't love each other.

  9. Go on the computor and change the password and try to hack the thing that he goes to. Dont get a divorce. Tell him how you feel and if he doesnt listen. Bring the kids into it. I hope it works good luck.

  10. hide the computer lol :)

    its not something worth divorcing over if you have two young sons

  11. Hang in there - I understand - But i was doing what your husband was on line and it does or can lead to phsyical  - you both need to sit down and really talk about your marriage to see what the issue is - Im still working on mine.  My husband stayed with me but reminds me everyday about what I did and that is no live either.  Try to work things out for your family but if it contuines do what is going to make u happy and if that is leaving so be it..  

  12. Tell him how you feel,consider  marriage counseling ,he could be considering cheating even if he hasn't yet.Suggest to him if he feels the need to talk,he should talk  to you ,so you can work out the problems together when the two of you are calm and open to really hearing each other.Marriage counseling is a good idea to head off a possible divorce.Good luck.

  13. Well in my opinion he is looking for ways to cheat.  And I would go see a lawyer and in the meantime you tell  him you have arranged for marriage counseling.   Get your family's backing and tell his family what he is doing I hope you cans save your marriage.  If not he will be breaking up his family and paying alimony and child support.  Tell him in no uncertain terms that if this continues you are leaving him and you are going to shut off the internet.

  14. if hes talking to other girls flirtatiously... then def divorce cuz thats not called for. haha

  15. A divorce just over that?

    confront him and have solid proof and see if he will fess up and change

    but to put your sons in risk over something like that is not a good idea.

  16. i agree with lexi

  17. well my personal opinion is that it's harmless, kind of like looking at the menu but not ordering.  as long as he isn't sending nudie pics or accepting them, or letting whatever relationship thingy he's having bleed over into your marriage, no harm no foul.

    i think also because we are living in a new era with the internet, it's kind of hard to label right now "online chats and such" as cheating.  right now i think it's still kind of user specific instead of a society accepted cheating thing.

    guys are guys, we like p**n and all that stuff, but the healthy thing to do is to keep it to ourselves where it doesn't interfere or complicate our relationships.  

    if you're talking divorce though, there are obviously other more important things going on.  if online shenanigans is as far as he goes, and all you have to worry about, consider yourself lucky.  my sister was actually cheated on by her husband, so i'm sure she would trade that for some stupid cyber s*x in a second.  i don't know if that just made sense..what i mean is that i'm sure she would rather deal with him doing stupid cyber s*x, then actually going out and doing it.

    and online whatever is not a guarantee for actually doing it, just like smoking weed is not a for sure gateway into harder drugs.......but only you know him and know for sure.

  18. You are absolutely right. There is no reason for him to do that, and he cannot justify it by saying he isn't going to act on it.

    This is going to sound corny but- temptation is the gateway to cheating.

    He is creating a path, and it will be amazingly easy for him to follow it if he should get tempted enough.

    He is married to you, and even if he is not physically acting on it, he is not being faithful.

    My best advice to you is to tell him you are offended and then give him an ultimatum, if he doesn't stop- you are ending the marriage. Plain and simple. Don't let him argue with you or get angry with you. He is in the wrong and you shouldn't have to put up with it at all.

    Since you do have two young children, I would suggest that you go to a marriage counselor even if the issue resolves itself. He is doing this for a reason, even if it just seems like a shallow p***s driven move. There are obviously some issues that you two need to work out, and I think you will feel better if you do.  

  19. A lot of times you have to trust your spouse to make them feel better. But that doesn't mean give em all the leeway possible. Make sure you are pleasing him so he has a reason aside from your kids to stay. I know it might sound bad but you both made a commitment.

  20. i think that you should tell him that if he doesn't stop you should want a divorce

    Many couples stay together for years because they dont want to get a divorce because of their children. Usually they are constantly gripping at eachother and in bad moods that the children aren't happy because of the mood in the house.

    in my opinion i think it is better if you get a divorce because even a divorce is better than constant fighting and no one diserves to go threw that not the kids, not you, not your husband

    but im not going to tell you what to do because it is your life and it is your decision to make, not mine

    if you do get a divorce make sure the father and you are around your kids often together, make sure that they grow up with both parents working as a team

    i hope everything works out, for the best

    ; )

  21. GET A DIVORCE.  He will take it to the next level, meeting those women in person, when chatting online doesn't excite him anymore.  Please take care of yourself.  I'm sure your kids would rather have a happy mom than a miserable one.

  22. d**n i have a feeling im gonna see him on to catch a predator real soon. go type "to catch a predator" and watch some episodes on youtube.  

  23. Google:

    Peter Cook - the whole Christie Brinkley divorce trial should have taught you a little somehting about afairs and the internet...A divorce is on its way..

  24.   Well, you to are married so try and talk with him about it. Tell him you don't appreciate him talking to the girls online... Worse comes to worse just dont pay the internet bill  

  25. As your husband, he should respect your opinions if you do not want him to speak with other girls on-line.  

    It's a shame to get a divorce if you love each other...but that happens to be the trend during this modern era. :/

  26. Maybe its his friends that he is talking to...give him some room maybe he just needs to cool down a little but do not let him cheat on you if you suspect him of cheating then talk to him about it maybe he will understand.  

  27. Not one thing. And sooner or later it will lead to that if it hasn't already. Why not become one of those women and talk to men on the internet and see how he likes it.  

  28. play the guilt trip card...ask him how he would feel if u did the same thing. keep hassling him...u shud neva let him get away with it! be strong x x

  29. That's a very touchy subject. I personally would talk to him about it and let him know how it makes you feel when he talks to other women. He should realize that it hurts you inside.

  30. This is too serious of an issue to be asking it here. Don't You Think?

  31. You want a divorce over the internet? I think you should think this over.

    Check his History, If he used Internet Explorer open up favorites then History tab.

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