
What to do about living arrangements?????

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ok so here is the thing my husband might finally get his daughter. We have waited along time for this as he at one point won emergency custody. Well she was recently taken away from her mother again so we are going to take it to court once again. If you know about Kelesy Briggs than you know what we are dealing with because it's the very same county DHS office. We know that she is going to have to have her own room to put it simply she is damage their are a lot of things we still don't know. We have a long road ahead of us of trying to give her a normal life if we can get custody. So now you know the background here is the question how do I place the kids in the rooms? Right now we have my son who is 3 and our daughter who is 1 sharing a room. Than our one month old son sleeps with us in our room. Now a 2 bedroom apartment isn't for us so we will be looking for a bigger place with our budget the biggest would be a 3 bedroom. Is it ok to keep the 3yrd and 1yrd in the same room so that the 5 year old can have her own room? I know what some people think about a boy and girl sharing a room. Do to the environment that the 5yrd was in she has some violent out bursts and has already almost sent the 3yrd to the ER she missed his eye by only half an inch. So we feel that we shouldn't put the 1yrd with her just yet. So what should I do? I keep hearing that at a certain age I can't put a boy in girl in the same room. There is no way I would put the 3yrd and the 5yrd in the same room because a month ago the 5yrd was found naked at school with another child. Yes her mother was investigated than but DHS found nothing, go figure they never seem to. We found out through the grapevine even though DHS is required to inform us any time her mother is investigated. So far thats the only way we have found out the other 5 times. Sorry if your confused I didn't want to use her name. She has already gone through a lot .




  1. I don't know, but under NO circumstances, would I put the toddler with the 5-year-old... No way in h**l.

    There's nothing wrong with a boy and girl sharing a room, as long as they're okay with it, and (in my opinion) as long as they're both 10 or younger... After that, it's getting too close to puberty, and they'll want their own rooms, anyway. (Just a side note.)

  2. Pray a lot, god would give the answer and the way to fix things up with the children. God Bless

  3. Put the 5 year old in the room by herself until you have time to work with her and she could maybe go through some counseling.

  4. i think it will be fine to put your 3 and 1 year old in the same room! good luck!

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