
What to do about me and my best friend drifting apart?

by  |  earlier

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I have known her since i was 6 and lately we havent been talking or texting or doing things together or she just blows me off at the last second. We used to be really close and she is the only friend I can tell anything and talk for hours with. Why is this happening?!?!?!




  1. okay i suggest you talk to her and start off smooth like

    maybe is something in your personality that is diffrent try to think about it me and my bestfriend drifted apart when she started hanging around with this group of smokers i told her we had to stop being friends and i hope the same doesnt happen to you

    try to find out what is wrong both of yall together like maybe one of you is doing something thats upsetting her or maybe there is something one of you has to say but is too afraid of doing so

    you know what i used to do when my friends got mad we used to write down what we dnt like about eachother and read them outloud and instead of fighting we talked about how to fix it

    i really do wish you luck :D

  2. sometimes people just drift apart, and become different

    talk to her, seriously, and ask her whats up

    but don't force anything, or you won't be able to save your fiendship

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