
What to do about mean black girls?

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ok so i'm mixed!(this counts) im goin to tell my problem

ok so when I go to school these black girls be mean to me, well yeah!

I walk in on the first day of school and the first black girl says "is that your real hair?'' why are they obessed with my hair becus its curly?? and i say yeah and sit down and they comeup to me all spazzy and crappy ish and ask me what race I am and I tell them my race, that my mom is black and my dad is white and

they laugh and say "shes half white!' i find this offending, why are black girls so mean? what should I do to make myself not look weak or scared??? or what should i say back?




  1. I am hispanic but I look biracial. I went to an all black schools growing up and the girls hated me. They tried to cut my hair and were always so rude to me. They were so jealous, because this country teaches you that white is right.

    Just look at any TV show. There are not that many pretty dark women in Hollywood. It doesn't mean they don't exist. They just give lighter people more opportunities. For example Halle Berry can't act but look how far she has gotten.

    Whether you like Michele Obama or not, there hasn't been that many beautiful black woman like that on TV.

    Those girls are wrong and very jealous of you that's obvious. Watch you back! Always have the last word in an argument! And never ever back down to a fight! You will be OK. It sucks to be discriminated against your own kind. But it will prepare you for the worst, being discriminated against white people.

  2. Really there is nothing you can do because if you tell them to just p**s off they would yea probably kick your a**. But if you just ignore them after a while they will move on from you. All Ignorant people want is to pick on someone so that they can feel better about themselves. When you stop giving them the time of day they tend to go away. They love it when your unhappy or just even to know that you can't do anything for yourself. Now the whole thing with whether your white, black, or even Puerto Ric-an should not matter to anyone. What your race is has no meaning to anyone but you and your family. Just be yourself and nothing else, if nobody likes it who cares they are not your life. But then again in the end if you want you could always just beat the c**p out of the black girl (s) and be done with it, it just proves that you are not to be messed with like that. It's your call on what you do personally I would just ignore them all together. Hope things work out for you in the end.

  3. Though I'm much older than you and I'm not first generation mixed, I had this very same problem. (Actually I'm still having it) I'm of black, Scots-Irish and Native American descent and my hair has always been long and fine. It's almost down to my waist now,anyway.......I was a punching bag for black girls. Most were nappy headed with short hair that never grew so they took their anger out on me and I let them. This will be tricky for you because you are still in school. You'll have to somehow defend yourself or ignore them altogether. I'd be careful though cause black girls can get violent. That was my problem in high parents taught me good manners but those black girls were mean and obnoxious and always wanted to resort to neck twirling and fighting. You might wanna stay clear of them and hang out with some non-blacks.........keep in mind they'll hate you more for hanging out with non-blacks. You'll be screwed either way which was the case with me. Most of my friends in high school were white and I was hated even more for that but I could never get those ignorant black girls to see the reason why I didn't hang with them was because of the way they treated me. It was constant humiliation from them. I'd hear comments like "So you think you're American Indian don't you? or "Gosh when you let your hair hang down, you look like a witch!" I could go on and on. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me. I don't want you to end up hating black women and avoiding them in your adult life like I did. Even today, I'm reluctant to create friendships with black women because they get so jealous.

  4. Yea, it's horrible that its a hate crime if a white person dosent like you because you're black, but its totally different when its the other way around. Babe, these girls are the perfect definition of ghetto rat. Be proud of what you are. Back in middle school we had a thing called "cracker day" all the white kids we're at some point to be jumped. I had eight people with me and when it was our turn to get jumped, we plowed 13 people to the pavement. If they dont want to be your friend, who cares?? Those are the kind of ghetto trash that will get you into trouble anyway. Stay strong babe. It's only school. Its all different when you're out.

    As far as the trash, im only talking about the select few that meet that criteria. They will never get past themselves and fail in life.

  5. cant u change school?

    and is the school full of black people?

  6. I'm sure not ALL black women are mean to you...the one's that are mean to you probably are making you generalize black women. I have never hated on a woman for her ethnic background in my life...I have friends and family of many cultures. Of course, women are competitive with each other...and will be jealous...this, I think, is part of our nature. But you can't let it bother you or put you down,....surround yourself with good people who have positive energy!!


  7. Tell 'em to p!ss off.

  8. I feel your pain I can definitely relate to you. I'm mixed too (you can see my picture in this question I asked before;... ), and I know how full black girls can be. In daycare they used to pull my hair because they though it was fake. It used to make me cry because I felt so alone. I been called lots of names, and they liked to start rumours about me and say mean things behind my back. And the worst thing was they would say I wasn't even Black and that I was pretending to act black, trying to be something I'm not. Today I hardly have any full black girl friends, only light-skinned or mixed ones.

    So I definitely understand what you're going through. What I do is I just be myself because there's really nothing you can do. Just avoid these mean girls, and make friends with nicer people. Try not to let what they say get to you (I know it can be hard but you should still try) And don't worry because there are other people out there like you and me, so just know that you're not alone.  

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