
What to do about my aggressive kitten?

by  |  earlier

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I have an 11 month old kitten whom since the day I got her, is sweet and cuddly towards me (unless in a bad mood), but acts odd around my boyfriend. No matter how nice he is to her, she claws and hisses at him - even though he's been in her life since the very beginning too.

At the time when we got her, we lived separately so the cat lived with me (he would stay over on the weekends), but now we've been living together for the past couple months and she still has aggressive behavior towards him. I just don't know what to do. He gives her treats and buys her toys, plays with her, but nothing seems to work. She even growls when he comes near! Sometimes she'll let him pet her for a minute, but most of the time ends up lashing out at him, biting him.

I feel bad because I want her to finally calm down and like him, I just don't know how to go about training her. Any ideas?




  1. This sounds kinda serious.....are you sure your boyfriend didn't do anything to your kitty?  Even by accidently stepping on her where she would be frightened of him?  Most animals don't react that severely unless they have been traumatized by someone or something.  I would give it some more time and let her be....don't force her into playing with him, don't make her sit there for pets.....let her accept him on her terms and in her own time.  Perhaps she will calm down over time and allow some interaction.  I feel badly for you, but honestly, I think time might be your only answer.  Be patient with her.  Good luck.

  2. Well if you really want to keep him around even though your cat is telling you he is a no-go then i would think that if he ignored her for a month or so then gradually paid attention to her and pet her the way she likes

    (the way you pet her) over time she would tolerate him.Just remember,cats don't need attention like dogs do he has to earn it from her.But pay the same attention to her too,she needs you.

  3. It sounds like you are doing everything right.  Try having him talk to her in a soft tone - maybe your kitty is used to your voice and the male voice is too strong.  Also, let her come to him in her own time.  If she feels pressured it could make her aggressive.  I'm sure as she gets used to him living with you, she will come around.

  4. Treat her like a Momma cat would.. Example .. when she acts in a way you don"t approve startle her by loudly say NO! And pinch her neck like a momma cat would.. When I was addressing the issue of my puppy biting I would pinch her back and yell no! It worked with her.  

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