
What to do about my daughter's father!!?

by  |  earlier

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I got pregnant last year with my daughter and her father left me for someone else when i was 4 months. he came for the birth, but this women followed him to the room and i denied having him back, therefore making him miss our daughter's birth. now i have talked to him, although my family won't let me and he says he is gonna divorce her, but he has been saying this since our daughter was born in may. i don't know what to do cause i still love him, but could never trust him even if we tried to work it out. what makes it worse is i am not allowed to talk to him and he wants to see our daughter. what should i do? if my family finds out, we will be out of my grandmas and left to go no where.




  1. This man does not deserve a part in his daughter's life.  He made his choice of being w/someone else, had he audacity of actually bringing her to the birth place of your daughter, making a mockery of it all.  He did not show you any respect whatsoever, nor your baby.  Why should he even have the pleasure of seeing her when he abandoned you while you were carrying her.  Please for your sake & your babies sake put  him in your past & leave him there.  You're young & have a chance of a whole new beginning for both you & the baby,  He w/not leave his wife, but if he so happens to do so, I would NEVER be able to trust him in any way.  He is not good husband or father "material" & you'll live a life of turmoil, disrespect, & a lack of trust as long as you're involved w/him. Please please give this lots of tho't & consideration before you do anything regarding him.  You are taking the chance also of loosing your family who has stood beside you throughout your pregnancy & after the birth of your child.  This man guaranteed w/do nothing but ruin your life & cause ciaos in the life of your child.  Put yourself & your baby first, this is a must.  Please do not trust this man as you have NO reason whatsoever to do so.  The past is over & done with, now it's time to move on & go forward.  You have the support of  your family, & you CAN do it if you w/make up your mind to.  Please make the rite choice for both of you...I wish you all the best, & may you make the rite choice for you both...:)

  2. Tell him to get a divorce and then you will talk.

    Tell your grandma that it is in the best interest of your daughter for her father to be in her life.  I doubt they will kick you and the baby out.

  3. what is that saying? family is thicker than water? stick with granny - and forget about the loser who walked out on you and your daughter - can you even imagine walking out on your bundle of joy?

    being a father of two daughters, trust me, dump the loser and never ever look back... he won't change.... never.

  4. its just like the movies hes gonna keep saying that hes a bum you shouldnt accept him back for what he did to u when u were pregnant so forget about him and find someone that will take care of u and ur daughter the right way.all u need from him is child support.

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