
What to do about my gambling problem?

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Gambling is turning my life up side down (if I don’t win n so far im loosing). But i still like to gamble. What can I do?




  1. Basically, you're gambling for the wrong reason. You are trying not to feel like a loser, so you're constantly chasing. The key characteristic of this is that winning gives you no joy.

    What you need to do is address this weakness in yourself first. If you are emotionally affected, you can't make the mental calculations required to win consistently (assuming you play games that are affected by skill, e.g. blackjack vs games that are not, e.g. slots.)

    Until you can overcome this weakness in yourself, you are vulnerable to gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction, and many other things. You should stay away from them.

  2. Just because you're losing doesn't mean you have a problem.  If that were the case, everyone would have a gambling problem.

    If you try to quit (I'm not going to gamble during the 6 weeks of Lent), but can't, then that's a sign of an addiction.

    Trust me, I know about gambling addiction from personal experience.  For me, "rock bottom" was finding myself without a job, $33,000 in credit card debt from running up my Visa cards to play the slots over the last 15 years, and trying to figure out how I'm going to find the money for air fare to visit my parents for Christmas.

  3. Think of all the people you can be affecting by your gambling problem.  How do all your GOOD companions and family members think about you wasting your money.  

    I'll leave you with a story.  

         I know someone who knows someone that had a gambling problem; played the slots, bought lottery tickets constantly (who doesnt?); etc.  They bought everything they could.  When they had wasted all their money on the none-required, they didn't have enough to pay for the NECCESITIES.  They lived on the streets begging for a year or so.  They werent able to support the family, and eventually his kids died.  He lost his home, family, and was a diamond in the rough.  

    He pulled himself together, though.  He saved all the money he received from begging, got a job, and now lives a sober and conservative man.

  4. get high

  5. Do low rent gambling. play the 3 way and 4 way numbers, .50 cent bets, 1 dollar on the lotto, 1 dollar on the mega,etc.. this way your still in the game.

  6. Stop Gambling or set aside a small amount to gamble with.

  7. Don't chase

  8. There's a 1-800 # on the back of each and every scratcher..

    if that doesn't work...Try....

    Getting a REAL addiction.

  9. Go to Gambler's Anonymous, that would be your best bet.

  10. You can never win in gambling.  If you lose, you'll keep on gambling to recover your losses.  If you win, you'll likewise keep on gambling in order to win some more that will cause you to lose more in the end as nobody alive is lucky enough to win all the time.  It's a vicious cycle that's why it's a habit that's so hard to beat.  Keep that in mind and think of it each time you're tempted to gamble.

  11. You gotta first of all, stop listening to other players tell you their superstitions.  I never heard so many people in one place think they are the greatest mathemeticians on the planet while they are busy losing just as much as you are.  Get a book cuts through all the c**p about the myths that people tell you and learn the truth about odds.  You gotta also never blame another player for your losing.  You lose because you got bad cards, not because someone jumped in mid-shoe or whatever.  Don't walk out of the casino saying I wish I woulda done this or woulda done that.  Put your money up and DO IT.  You also need to severly raise the amount of money your are playing.  Don't play $10 at a time unless you are happy walking out of the casino with $100 profit at the most and if you're bringing $500-$1000 with you then you are wasting time.  Fire in the money and don't be afraid to lose your *** in an hour.  You will still lose just as often, but when you win it will be for a large amount.

  12. if gambling is turning out poorly for you, then why do you like it so much? stop it.

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