
What to do about my horse?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on the polo team at my school...we were playing and my horse tripped and broke his ankle...should i put it to sleep...or shoot it




  1. its the same choice

  2. You might be on the polo team but it is the one in your mind anyone who has ever ridden and has an ounce of common sense, knows better then to take your question seriously.

    People who ride sport horses KNOW that there is going to be a certain protocol and procedure if and when an incident such as the one you suggest, happens.

    I think that you know that the tone, and subject of your question will certainly upset people.  Especially those of us who are well aware of what happens to an animal that sustains an injury that you are suggesting took place.

    I think you simply want to get a rise out of those who actually do care about horses, and the injuries that can and do take them from us.

    I could say more, but I won't.

  3. I am really hoping that this is not a serious question.

    However, if it is, first you should consider if the horse can be saved. Even if you don't want to put the effort into it, maybe someone else will. If the horse cannot be saved, euthanasia is the humane way to put the horse down, NOT SHOOTING IT!!!

  4. OH MY GOSH! how could u ever shoot a poor animal u r an idiot.....i am the first ever teen to be part of an animal control agency and an amniomal protection agency and if we heard of something like this, you would be charged and prosecuted for attempt for animal abuse. So euthanize if that is your last resort, but FIRST make sure u do take it to a specialist for the leg inkjury unless u r a d@m  cheap jerk that would rather kill an animal then have to spend a lot of money. If the leg is in too much pain for the horse to be ridden, then put it up for adoption for someone to have as a pasture horse. I am sure a many of people would enjoy your sweet horse, unlike u! Never give the horse to  the slaughter house....that is the sign of a true sick mind...if your poor horse has to be euthanized, than make sure you show it how much u do love it and bury it with a true memorial......U SICK PERSON!

  5. You obviosly should put it to sleep but if its suffering and it is not quickly accessible to euthinize it then you should shoot it.

    Just put the poor thing out of its misery and learn how to ride so something like this dosn't happen. =(

  6. well first see if you can save it BUT if you cant then take it to the vet to have it put to sleep BECAUSE when you do it that way then they take care of the body for you. and if you do that and the horse is standing dont be suprised if it freaks out before it dies because they can sence their heart stoping and freak out BIG TIME then just drop dead.

  7. Why do idiots even come on this category to ask stupid questions like this?  You know very well that this isn't a true inquiry.  You were just bored and had nothing better to do than to come over here and waste 5 points asking stupid questions.  If you actually rode horses and your horse actually broke its ankle and you were playing polo, there'd be tons of other people around and someone would have immediately called the vet and you wouldn't have run home to ask us this question.  And you'd use a bit of common sense that you don't shoot animals anymore.  And you wouldn't be asking us about killing it...  you'd be asking us about saving it.  You're just trying to waste our time.

  8. Definitely put it asleep because it wouldn't be as painful and I would never be able to shoot an animal.

  9. I don't think this is a stupid question. You probably care about this horse and you don't want him to die, but then again, you don't want him to suffer. If it is possible for him to make a full recovery, then you should do everything you can to help him. But usually horses with leg injuries suffer to much and their owners decide to out them out of their misery. I think you should make the responsible decision and put him to sleep if he is hurting. Shooting him would be fine if you do it in a way that he doesn't have to suffer for long. Making him suffer is more inhumane than shooting it. I hope he is ok! Good luck!!!

  10. KMN is totally right. when a horse breaks its ankle/leg you do not come home with it ((in a horse trailer)) and ask us what you should do. of-course if the horse broke its ankle you would think about saving it, not putting it down right away. ((at least that's what most of us horse owners would do)) and second, you would usually never shot an animal unless it was in absolute pain. as in, there were no medics avaible for a while and the horse was at its absolute death bed, that would be the only approiate time to EVER shot an animal.

    but please, don't ask another stupid question.

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