
What to do about my husband lying?

by  |  earlier

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In the past he has lied about looking up p**n, which I caught him by looking it up on the history. He bold face lied to me for an hour until he coughed it up. This isn't the first time he has lied about something so ridiculous. I just see him telling little white lies here and there and it really bothers me. I've explained my feelings on the subject but I still feel unsure. Help!




  1. Tell him he has a year to stop lying.If you catch him in ONE lie after a year, you are gone.He will choose what or who he loves the most.

  2. re: looking up p**n

    ....What's the problem there?  Are you so affraid of and insecure about those other babes?  Where's your self respect?

    I'd google: self esteem tips and get up and above the 'p**n scares' and other insecurities brought on by bad self regard........

    then I'd google: relationshp tips to learn how to communicate better with what should be your very best friend - your spouse - and get what you both want.

  3. I agree with the guy that answered maybe he lied to avoid confrontation.   By husband  made a huge deal about an adult book I had.  What I do now is look up the stuff on the net. I even changed the book cover,  and read the book once in awhile.  I'm not one to go around lying.  But if a spouse is going to act childish about something one thinks is not wrong...    You may think and believe p**n wrong.  My husband does.  But not everyone thinks it wrong.  Some of us like watching a good p**n movie,  or readying a  s*x novel once in awhile.

  4. Are you mad about the p**n or that he lied to you?

    Ok, so men like to look at p**n and often it doesn't mean anything more them looking at a hot car. He may feel embarrassed about it or maybe he fells that you disapprove so he's hiding it.

    If he's not looking at p**n to excess then let it go and be tolerant of it. I'd say tell him straight up that you don't mind him looking at p**n but you can not accept him lying to you. You don't feel like you can trust him with the "big stuff" when you find him lying about stupid little stuff that you don't have a problem with. You just need to know that you can trust each other completely.

  5. hes a man give him a break  

  6. He probably lies to avoid confrontation, not because he's hiding anything. At least that's why I lie to my wife.

  7. Well of course he's going to lie.  YOU are the disapproving wife who makes him feel like c**p about having sexual thoughts.  I used my husband's laptop the other day & accidentally saw some on there from a few days ago.  I started laughing.  Part of me even thought it was cute.  I don't know.  Maybe I'm the weird one.

  8. Lighten up abit lady and he prob wouln't lie to you, he's only lying to avoid disapproval, lectures, and judgement from you, what do you expect.  Did you ever stop and think that he lies to you avoid WW3!! and if your stressing over a little internet p**n, i dont blame him.. btw - I am a wife!!!!

  9. What seem to be the white lies about....s*x since you mentioned p**n.  Maybe he is sexually frustrated and your not giving him enough.  

    Maybe he needs more s*x

    try that see if the lying stops

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