
What to do about my immature mum?

by  |  earlier

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My mum is so immature, and I just don't know what to do about it.

She cries and complains like a little girl every Thursday night, when she has to take my 10 year old brother to basketball (dad is unable to, he has soccer training). She did the same thing when I played netball around that age... eventually I gave up because of her behaviour.

She lies... we were meant to go out to dinner as a family tonight, but she says "her friends called her up and want to go to the city", even though she does not have any friends (not being mean or anything), and she never follows through with such things.

Once my friend was sleeping over, and she started screaming, crying and bashing on the doors because I accidentally forgot to say "thank you" after dinner (It just slipped my mind). She called my friend and I "s***s" many times.

I tried talking to her about it, but she never listens, and either gets angry and storms away, or just can't grasp any of the concepts I'm trying to explain to her. My dad is fine, except he too has never done anything about my mum's stupid, pathetic behaviour.

What am I meant to do about it?




  1. Your mom seems to be losing control mentally.

    You could try doing the following:

    When your mom starts yelling at you unnecessarily, just ask her calmly, "How can I make you stop yelling at me?"  When she calls you names, "What have I done to be talked to like this?"  When she does things like this, you have to make her accountable for her actions.  She will eventually realize the ignorance of her actions and realize that she was being unreasonably mean.

  2. Your mother has a serious problem, and she needs to be taken care of specially. Have you and your father ever thought about sending her to a psychiatrist or something? Because that is something you should definitely think about.

    I really don't think that you are safe living in that house because if she reacts violently just because you didn't say thank you after dinner, not to mention you had a friend over, she is capable of doing anything.

    Obviously she has some anger issues and she doesn't care to be around your guys much since she is making up excuses about her friends wanting to go to the City just to get out of having dinner with you guys.

    Talk to your father about this and see what he has to say about this whole thing. Tell him that she needs serious help because your living enviroment is NOT safe at all with her being around.

    I hope that everything works out for the best.

    God Bless

  3. Something is not right. I suggest you tell her to clean up her act and get professional help or you and your brother will probably get taken away from her for child abuse. What she is doing IS a form of child abuse

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