
What to do about my kid?

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ok help me out here i got my cable bill and found out my 11 year old has been ordering adult movies. We have a game room in our home where she plays her video games and thats where she's been watching the movies. That's the only cable box i forgot to lock. i'm in shock here. she ordered 12 movies coming to $180. i'm not sure what to do. Usually i can think of a good punishment but this is way beyond taking her toys and allowance away. i asked her why and of course she said she dont know. Obviously its time for a s*x talk i'm just angry she found out about the birds and bees that way. Honestly what would you do if this was your kid and is this my fault? I'm starting to question my parenting skills.




  1. all kids go throw this, im only 15 but  i no how she is,

    dont yell at her,

    she just wanted to see things.. u no

    just say girls dont look at this and stuff.

  2. I'd stop the d**n cable.

  3. First of all. Don't yell at her. It's normal for kids to do things like that at her age. Talk to her about s*x.

  4. Sounds like its time for a beating get out the belt. You know just a pat on the buns.

  5. Take responsibility for not locking that cable box and/or letting her play unattended near it.  Pay the bill, that isn't the real issue anyway.

    Talk to her about what she saw and explain what you can.  Make it clear that those things are adult activities she isn't ready for.

  6. Well, there's no need to assign blame, but you might want to take a look at what is available to your child.

    Kids are curious.  A simple, "That's not appropriate" doesn't work for most kids.

    She cannot watch what is not available.  Cancel the cable TV.

  7. Don't beat yourself up, it happens, but I agree take the TV away for a while. There are going to be lots of times you question your own abilities as a parent, but it sounds like you are a good parent that made a mistake. I am sure she is going to have a lot of questions, and just try and be honest but explain to her that what is on those movies is not normal sexual behavior. I have an 11 yr old son, so I kinda know what you are going through. I had the talk with him and now when he asks me a question, I ask if he is sure he wants to know before I answer lol.

  8. YOU are the one who didn't do your job as a parent.  So pay the bill and quit blaming your daughter.

  9. you really have to sit her down and talk to her about this, dont yell at her because she was just curios and she needed to know, it is not your fault but parents should always talk to there children about s*x before its to late, i once knew a 6 year old that got raped and she didnt even know it, she thought it was a new dance or sumtin, if this was my kid i would ask them again and if they dont answer tell them how much it costed and then just let it be and forget it

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