
What to do about my neighbor dumping trash and letting guests dump their trash?

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I live in a quadplex and we share one dumpster. Our trash day is every Thursday morning. Right now, one apt has been open for about 1-2 months. Even when the apts are full, we never fill the trash can to the top. This guy in one apt comes home every friday (the day after trash day) and dumps a truckload of trash from who knows where. Sometimes he comes back with more about 3 days later. He fills up our dumpster every week... he just dumped today and ran out of room so he left some in his truck. I took photos a month ago (but cant now b/c my camera is broke). My landlord will not do anything, he simply doesnt listen to any complaint anyone makes (i.e. we used to complain about our neighbors howling dogs every night... but he just gave them notices). Its so annoying how the trash is always full and I cant ever put mine in there... I ALWAYS have to pile it on top of all his stuff. Oh, and he has people come over who pull trash bags out of their SUV or truck and dump too.




  1. have you tried talking to him? maybe he's a nice guy? he probably doesn't even know this is bothering you. mountains out of molehills. people gripe and complain about the pettiest things. What kind of stuff does he fill the dumpster with? there are reasonable solutions for this.  seems like you're just sowing dissension anger bitterness hostility paranoia resentment and apathy.

    i would contact your landlord again and read the lease agreement to see if there are any provisions for stated uses for the dumpster, so you'd have that knowledge but i think you can work this out with that person.

    and if your neighbor does know him what's the harm in mentioning this to her? i dont see the problem bringing it up with her if you dont want to bring it to him directly. maybe she'll be able to get him to dump on wednesday night.

  2. Well, i doesn't seem like you're going to win this one.

    The landlord is the only one that has the legal right to make a complaint, because they're paying for the dumpster.

    So I think your choices are to live with it or move.

  3. Get a lock for the dumpster and give everyone that lives there a spare key

  4. ok

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