
What to do about my neighbor/friend?

by  |  earlier

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I live right next door to a girl I used to think of as a friend. Lately she has been annoying the c**p out of me and I don't know what to do about it. For one, I work all the time and she is on welfare, so every time I come home she always is having a problem with someone... this one made her mad by this, and this one is giving attitude about that, but later on she is best friends with them. Another thing is, she never pays her phone bill so it is always getting shut off, my phone is a cell phone on minutes and she is always asking me to use it, and I tell her my minutes are over and she don't seem to care! She is always borrowing stuff from me, and she is really embarrassing to go into to public with. She is very loud and ghetto, and for example the other day, on the first day of school she started trippin on the bus driver because her son wasn't fully seated on the bus before she started to pull off... I have to live next to this chick but she is really annoying the sh*t out of me lately, is there anything I can do to make the situation better?




  1. Tell her NO she cant use your phone and neither can you because you lost it ( don't let her see you use it either).. tell her whats bugging you about her.. she prob doesn't see it and no one has had the guts to tell her the truth.. the truth hurts and maybe if you tell her the truth she will get mad at you enough she will leave you alone..

    don't answer your door or phone when she comes over or calls.. maybe she will get the hint..

  2. TELL HER! When she asks to use your phone politely say "Sorry, my minutes are out and it costs too much right now." I know, I hate it when people think they can sit at home on welfare and expect everyone to cater to them. Just tell her "I work hard for my money and I can't waste it right now."

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