
What to do about my pains...

by Guest32999  |  earlier

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Ive been having pain in my middle finger for a long time ever since it got pushed back and it looks dislocated. I think i hurt my rotator cuff pitching a while ago. and my toe got hurt in baseball a couple days ago and i have to limp around. i dont know if my parents arent taking me seriously or what. Ive been taping my finger up as well as my toe. but what should i do? should I keep complaining to my parents until they get it checked out or let time take its course. Last time i had a injury it was a torn ligament in my thumb and i had it checked out 3 weeks after i 1st injured it...




  1. You really need to stress to your parents to go and see a doctor.  

  2. You need to get them checked out.  Just tell them you want to go to the doctor.  They'll take some xrays and see what's going on.  There isn't anything they can do about your toe except let it heal.  But your finger and shoulder, they can help with the pain.

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