
What to do about my sister?

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My sister who is 18 has a 4 month old daughter. She lives with my father in his house. Everyday she turns the baby monitor off so that the baby doesn't wake her up in the morning then the baby ends up hungry. She will put her to bed at 8pm and won't get her up to feed her until 12pm the next day. Her excuse for turning the baby monitor off is that she says she can hear someone singing to the baby in the other room on it even though no one is there. I don't know if she is crazy or just lazy. Does anyone have any suggestions about what to do or what to say to her? All advice would be appreciated.




  1. awwww poor baby !!!!u need to tell someone or u might have to feed the baby if no1 is listening.

  2. Hay there girl. I know you know this isn’t good and I can hear your intense concern. Your sister is 18 and a little immature. But I can tell that you’re more mature than she. I think her dad needs to step-in and be more observant and active in her life as well. Bottom line We always look out for those who can’t do so for themselves.  JOE.C

  3. U need to take some action cuz that baby can get really sick if not takin care of properly

  4. Call CPS. Don't let the baby suffer for your LAZY sister!

  5. Your niece is being abused by your lazy sister.  A 4 month old infant going 16 hours without food or being changed is criminal. Forget being "nice" to your sister -- your niece's life is in jeopardy.  Babies need regular feeding in order to grow and develop properly. This is child abuse, plain and simple.

    Someone needs to sit down with your sister and lay out the facts of life.  If she can't or won't take care of her daughter, the daughter needs to be placed with someone who WILL. Someone in authority needs to tell her that either she shapes up, or she will be reported to child protective service for child abuse and child endangerment.

  6. Your sister is NOT being a responsable parent. Hopefully you've made her clear of what she's been doing to her poor baby. If you haven't, do so. Tell your dad too. Maybe he can help. If neither of them will do anything, then please call Child Services. It's whats best for the baby. Your sister obviously isn't ready for the responsibility of caring for a baby.

  7. i used to do that to but not to that extent.. i mean if my daughter was really crying i could hear her and get up.and noon, well thats just rediculous  i admit the monitor did have funny noises too. i live in apt complex and i think it was picking up someone elses. maybe you could buy her a new one they are not that expensive.

  8. call cps. sorry to say it but your sister donsn't deserve a kid! the baby needs to be in a place were someone will care about her.

  9. call CDL

  10. Call child services

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