My 3.5 year old son's behaviour is now becoming a problem and making me feel very down.
When he's 'good' he is charming and charismatic. If only he was like this more often. He hits, pushes and kicks kids and grown ups; he's hyperactive and often 'manic' and he's also very rude. He'll 'trash' things when he doesn't get his own way, and gets hysterical when you say 'no' to him.
This behaviour is exhibited to both me and his father, his peers, strangers and to his nursery teachers.
WE have tried just about EVERY strategy to help my son e.g. time out, smacking, rewards, being strict, remaining calm - and nothing appears to work. We're at our wit's end. I'm always on tenderhooks about what he is going to do next.
My son is wilful and defiant, and the 'usual strategies' just don't seem to work. I'm having to be horrible to him (but don't want to be) as this seems to be the only way to get him to cooperate. He gets me so angry that I say horrible things to him and then I feel guilty.