
What to do about nosy self righteous neighbor with bratty kids?

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I have a neighbor who is very nosy. I'm 24 years old and I smoke, and everytime I smoke a cigerette, I hear my neighbor's door open with her bratty kids. Her kids throw trash in my yard, and one time, her son shot paintballs at my house. The kid keeps complaining about cigerette smoke, but he trashes my yard. What should I do?




  1. Nosy isn't the word for it.  Meddling and conniving is more like it.  First you need to tell her that the next time that her kids throw a single piece of trash into your yard you will call the authorities (but you will need to video tape this so you will have proof ~ word of mouth means nothing in court), and as far as the paint balls goes...I would have called 911 the moment that happened.  You are living next door to the neighbor from he$$.  Smoking is still legal.  If you don't have a video camcorder then tape them trashing your yard with your cellphone.  I can guarantee that when you start record them with your cellphone and tell them you are turning it into the police for evidence it will squash it right then and there.  Good luck!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  2. Yeah, I'd leave a note in the mailbox or something for the mother, explaining that you'd like to talk to her about a couple of issues you are having wth her children disrespecting your property. Then find a time to talk and tell her what's been going on and let her know you appriciate her time and concern on the matter. If they don't stop after that, call the police.

    As for smoking, there's nothing illegal about smoke drifting into someone elses yard. If the mom doesn't mention anything about it, then I wouldn't worry about it. If she does, then maybe try to go on the other side of the house or something, just out of curtouesy.

  3. You might start by ensuring that your smoke doesn't drift into their house or yard. Then, politely inform the mother of her kids' behavior. If she doesn't act to change it, then you can call the police. She might not even be aware that her kids are messing up your yard, so give her a chance to do something about it.

  4. Talk to them. How hard is it to go over there and just say something. Explain the problem and work out a solution. If the problem keeps happening after you have done your part to make less trouble on them: Then call the police because the child is damaging your property. But, when you talk to the parents explain in a nice way, if they do not listen write a letter: it seems to get through without anger being involved. Just step back and in a calm manner take care of the issue: never let your emtions get the best of you.  

  5. Maybe he has allergies to the smoke.  Maybe try to smoke less around the neighbors or go someplace where it will not come near their window.  I would consider quitting entirely for your own health, but that is just me.   As for the kids having no manners, you may want to leave a note and talk to the kids and their parents to see if you could work something out with them.

  6. Call the police. That's assault. Smoking is still legal.

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