
What to do about really dirty nappies in 10.5 month old (combo breast and bottle)

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Twice a day, my boy's nappies are just putrid. He is eating well and I am weaning him but even in big nappies, he is filling them and stinking out the room. Sorry it's not a sweet smelling question but I'm not sure if it's a problem. It's not diarrohea and it hasn't burned his bum but it is prolific and weighs a lot!! Could it indicate a digestive problem?




  1. Blow outs.

    They can sometimes not only fill a diaper, but shoot it right up their back and into their hair! who knew? they all do that.

    Of course you should mention to the ped if you're worried, but we had our fair share of blowouts in our time.

  2. If you're weaning to formula, that's why.  Babies cannot digest formula very well.  It's cow's milk, so it's specially formulated to turn a newborn 35 lb calf into a 1,000 lb cow in two years.  It has a different composition than breastmilk.  

    It takes a newborn human 20 minutes to digest breastmilk and 4 hours to digest formula.  Because the formula sits longer in the digestive tract it has a better chance to ferment or turn putrid before being expelled by the body.

    I don't think you can do anything to change the stinky-ness of the poo if you want to keep up with formula.  Sorry.

    Edit:  I didn't say those things about formula to make anybody feel bad, but sometimes the facts aren't so pretty.  Formula just makes for stinkier poops.

  3. i would say that  nothing is wrong with him, if your still worrried about his poo's smelling i would take him to a doctor and ask them about it

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