
What to do about sleep troubles?

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I have a lot of trouble sleeping. I get tired aruond 10 in the evening but if I'm awake any later that half 11 I'm just wide awake all night. I usually get about 4 hours or so a night but at times I feel like I could sleep every 2 days and be okay.

I just seem to have too much energy but I recently found out I'm anaemic so I should be feeling more tired than usual.




  1. What you are describing is not a normal sleep pattern.  I am being seen for a sleep problem myself, only I have a different problem.  I wake up frequently and gasp for air on occasion and wake up coughing when I don't have a cold.  I spent the night in the hospital so they could do a sleep study on me and I will get the results in 2 weeks.  The sleep doctor told me that there are lots and lots of reasons why a person could have sleep problems, such as the one you describe as well as the one I am dealing with.  She also told me that it's very important to get to the bottom of why a person has a sleep disorder because lack of proper sleep can negatively affect one's health, making them more prone to sickness and disease and it can also put them at risk of causing accidents if operating a vehicle or dangerous machinery.  

    Because you have anemia as well, you really should get to the bottom of your sleep problems.  Getting by on sleeping every 2 days is not normal, nor healthy.  While I am only an office clerk in a medical clinic, one of the doctors there noticed something wasn't right with me just as I was performing my normal duties and I told him I was seeing a doctor for sleep problems.  Nobody else seemed to notice it, but the doctor who brought this up to me noticed something was wrong and told me he was worried about me without having known anything about my sleep problems.  What I have learned about this is that sleep deprivation is a huge deal.  Imagine boarding a train, bus or airplane and the conductor, driver or pilot got by on sleeping every 2 days.  How secure would you feel taking that ride while having that knowledge?  Please go back to the doctor who diagnosed you with anemia and tell him or her what you said in your question.  This is worth getting treatment for.  With treatment, you'll be surprised at how much better you will begin to feel.  I wish you the best with this.

  2. Valerian root is great for sleep. It's a herb, all natural and isn't habit forming either. It's sold in most pharmacies and in Walmart too. They come in capsule form, have a very pungent odor to them. But, they really do work very well for sleep. There is no groggy feeling when you wake up either. I would highly recommend these for sleep.  

  3. Work harder in the day.

  4. Before taking any kind of medications, it is crucial that you speak to a doctor first.  What i would recommend is exercise.  If you exercise every day, you will burn energy and will be more likely to fall asleep at night.  If exercise does not work, I would  definitley see a doctor

  5. well if you are depressed try not to go to bed so stressed out talk to someone, Don't let what happens during the day  stop u from getting some sleep. Have a glass of milk, read a book or watch tv. well hope u will be able to get tips to help u get back ur full 8 hrs

  6. I also have this trouble but whatever you do it is of no interest to a Doctor, as I went to see mine, and got no where .She just said well as you get older you do not need as much sleep, because you do not go to work anymore. You see people that go to work are tired... so I said.. hold it right there Doctor, you know that I have just retired    at the age of eighty three, so do you want me to go on working... her answer ,, well you were a lot better when you did. Now I do not believe she could say that to me, so by this time I was furious and said ... do you tell these young ones that like the four that are waiting to see you now. She said well maybe they are ill... I nearly choked with disgust.Oh well I said best not keep them waiting so long. I got up and left. Do you wonder that the Country is like it is with all these layabouts, and all the Doctors   helping them along.  The Country is on the rocks ... how long before it falls into the sea.

  7. im the same it's odd you get past the '' tired stage '' and bang awake all night haha

    try some beers :D works for me  

  8. I'm on medication for insomnia Ambien Cr, which helps a lot.  My doctor has told me to relax with no tv or reading one hour before I go to bed, stay away from caffine, and drink Chamiole tea at night.  Good Luck!

  9. To help getting to sleep, I find a good trick is to clear the mind and do some deep, slow breathing. If you count your breaths down from 100, then you'll fall asleep in no time. Concentrating on just breathing and nothing else!

    If not, there is this pressure point on the inside of your ankles, though I have to say it doesn't work for me, I think it's somewhere under that little sticking-out bit (I know, scientific!)

    I found as a child, I would fall asleep by listening to story-tapes because I just knew the story so well, the voice would just lull me to sleep. Maybe it's an idea?

    Sleep well!

  10. 4 hours isn't enough.  go to bed as soon as you feel tired, allowing enough time beforehand to brush your teeth, etc, etc.  take melatonin if need be to help you fall asleep.  don't watch TV, just relax and sleep.  allow a good 7 or 8 hours a night.  if you stick to a schedule, you should set your internal clock.  

    also knock off caffeine after 3 p.m., cut out sugar, and don't eat anything after 7 p.m. and do at least 1/2 hour of exercise every day, preferably in the a.m.

  11. Blood tests needed.Glandular fever,anaemia,food allergy,gluten aversion etc.All will show up in a blood sample,so get on down to the GP's

  12. Drink 3 pints of Strongbow before bed.

  13. You need to treat the anemia, but  I'm not sure if that's related to your sleep problems.

    I have the same type of sleep problem. I can fall asleep easily about 10:00-10:3PM, but then wake up an hour or so later and find it impossible to get back to sleep.

    I take melatonin (available at any drug store). It's a naturally occurring hormone, isn't habit forming, doesn't leave you feeling spacey and groggy the next morning, and I find that it works like magic.

    Good luck!

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