
What to do about swarming bees on side of house?

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Bees have been swarming around my upstairs bathroom window for a few days. Currently I see no hive. What can I do to get rid of them before I have to call pest control?




  1. Call your local agricultural adviser (Farm Adviser) for names of beekeepers.  They will come out and remove the colony from your home.  

    DO NOT destroy them!  Honeybees are essential for pollination, and are an endangered species in some areas.

  2. you could try using smoke to make them go away but i dont think it will work.try to remove any flowers or sweetnes like stuff in could be attracting them.

  3. When bees swarm, 1/2 of the hive leave with the old queen to start a new colony. Scout bees are looking for a new home while the workers feed the queen and themselves outside your bathroom window. When the scouts find a new home they will leave. Even if they do build a hive in the walls or attic I'd leave them, bees are having a bad time of things and shouldn't bother you or the house. If you kill them the honey and wax will melt and make a real mess.  RScott

  4. Raid Garden Foam, but if they are swarming there probably is a nest maybe in your yves or under an awning. sppray the raid if it gets rid of them great just have a good exit strategy in case they cahrge you :)

  5. Do your best to see what they are after... if you can eliminate that, you should eliminate them. :)

  6. The hive may be inside the frame of your window. Wait until the sun goes down, so there will be no flying bees to sting you - then spray the entire area heavily with a flying insect killer designed to kill bees. However - If that doesn't work, call pest control. The hive may be inside the wall and bigger than you think.

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