
What to do about the first day of highschool?

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First day of school is on Monday. I'm a sophomore. & I am nervous! I'm not sure if I'm going to have any classes with any friends, so that makes me even more nervous. Plus the school is confusing and big. And what if I need help going around, should I ask a random person? Plus I get nervous when I'm around people I don't know, so I sort of distance out. How can I go up to a person or a group of people without feeling nervous or shy? Oh and lunch, what if I don't see any of my friends? Where do I sit?




  1. just go in with your head up high and act like its a normal day... just be yourself... i'd stay away from seniors when asking for directions to classes because they tend to think its funny to send them off in the wrong direction lol.... but um, there should be a handbook they send to you or give to you and should have a map of the school in the back.. you could use that... the same thing about lunch actually happened to me... there was no one in there that i actually talked to it happened in my junior year and that lunch was filled with freshman... but i found an empty table and sat there and people just came and sat down with me and well.... i made more friends that way!!!!  Good luck

  2. you shouldn't be nerves, I'm starting 9th in 4 days I'm scared, You already know whats up I don't. If you don't have any of your friends in your classes thats kewl no worries you'll see them after school or between classes, I have no friends going to my high school, but thats ok to me  meet new people. Friends come and go... Make the best of it I am...good luck

  3. Say hello anytime I see an acquaintance.

        Because I was always smiling and greeting the people I knew, people automatically assumed I was friendly (though I am not naturally sociable). And high school kids want to be friends with sociable people.

    Take the first step.

        All the girls there already knew each other - they didn't need another friend. But I did, so I had to make the effort. I had to be the first one to invite somebody to go with me to a movie, or over to my house. Once I did, they started to respond in kind.

    Make friends slowly.

        I couldn't get discouraged when it took a while to make friends. Hey, I had already waited an entire year, what's a couple more months? Making new friends is hard.

    Use classes to get to know people.

        I met most of my first friends because I sat next to them in class. Class (before, after, or even during class-time!) is a great opportunity to strike up a conversation, ask for homework help, or even better, to extend help when needed.

    Hide my fear.

        I was terrified coming back to school sophomore year. But acting confident really helped. First of all, acting confident actually made me confident. And second, confidence implies a lack of concern for other people's opinion, which paradoxically, makes others value your opinion more. High school kids are odd in that way.

    Above all, remember that it can and will get better. You may have to work a little to make your high school experience a great one, but it's absolutely worth it!


  4. Relax. You've done this before obviously your a sophomore. Just chill out and be nice, and everything will go smoothly.

  5. Call the councilor(they're probably already there) and ask for a tour. That'll help. And whatever you do, do not ask random people for directions! More than likely they'll send you to a janitors closet and think its funny. Sit with people who look nice and interesting and have an open seat. Don't sit bbypeople who look popular or like jocks, they might think they're better than you and that's embarrassing. Or just skip that and ask a friend to meet you somewhere before going into the cafeteria so you can sit together, but don't be afraid to meet new people! Good luck!!

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