
What to do about warping boards on pergola?

by  |  earlier

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the top beams of my new pergola have warped. The boards are 14` 2x4`s (treated). Should this have happened? What should I get to replace them? Any input at this point is truely appreciated. thanks.




  1. you need to replace them,pressure treated lumber wants to warped bad,you might use redwood or cider they last as long but a little pricier,good luck

  2. most long legth treated 2x4's will warp, as would 2x6 or 2x8.  try using cedar or fir and treat the structure with a weather or good stain after completion.  but for that length i would have used 2x10's, but this can get pricey.  

    if you choose to use a smaller dimensional lumber, install a layer of 2x2's along the top of them, it adds a unique square grill look and will also keep the boards straiter.

    another look i have seen is installing 1" or greater wood rod in between the crown joist, again this will hold them in place and add a unique design.

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