
What to do after a miscarriage ?

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on friday night i started bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant im still bleeding and tissue like things have come out 3 times since i started bleeding how do i kno if ive gotten everything out of my body?




  1. Sorry :(

    It would be best for you to see your doctor in a few days.  Miscarriage can take up to a week or even two to complete itself.  Make sure you see your doctor in the next few days, only he will be able to tell for sure (probably via ultrasound) that everything has been evacuated from your uterus.  If it hasn't you could develop an infection, so be sure to get checked out.

  2. Let me start by saying that I am sorry for your loss. :( I've been there myself and it is a painful process.

    You should probably have your HCG levels tested to make sure they are going down. At 5 weeks there shouldn't be much tissue to pass. I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks and I didn't pass much. Just more bleeding and cramping then anything.


  3. I'm really sorry about your loss, no one should go through that. I have had one really early miscarriage but it was so early I don't usually consider it too much. But I lost the one before this one at 20 weeks pregnant. The only way to know if everything got out is go to a doctor. Usually this early it all expels by itself but you never know. The doctor might want an ultrasound or something to see if everything came out on its own. If it doesn't it can be very harmful to you. Good luck and again I am sorry.  

  4. It's always best to go to the doctor to double check and you may get sent for an ultrasound just to make sure you've 'passed' everything. If you haven't then you will need a d&c to clean it all out or you could end up very sick or get a nasty infection.

    I can sympathise with what you're going through. I've had 2 miscarriages, one at 11 weeks, one at 6 weeks except both times I only spotted. Both times the babys hearts stopped beating and I had to get d&c's

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