
What to do after crystal fight in naruto ultimate ninja 3

by Guest62287  |  earlier

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What to do after crystal fight in naruto ultimate ninja 3




  1. Get a life

  2. Ask questions like this in a game blog or something.  

  3. Is that some kind of video game? What makes you think a martial artist would know about some video game? Turn the game of and learn a martial art.

    P.S. Naruto SUCKS! He gives a false image to real ninjas and is a big reason why no one takes Ninjutsu seriously.

  4. This is in the wrong section.

    Actually bunjinkan Ninja people like you help contribute to Ninjitsu not being taken seriously. You constantly talk about breaking arms and your deadly techniques, yet there have been at least 6 quizes on basic martial arts knowledge, on of them BJJ which you claim to study, yet you have not ansered any of them, even though you have actually been e-mailed the links. That and your answer to questions such as this:;...

    are part of the reason that no one takes ninja's seriously. Come on answer some of the quizes and show us how good you are. I mean have you registered your hands yet?

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