
What to do and see in Guadalajara? see details?

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My 21 year old daughter is fluent in Spanish and has been going to school in GDL for the last 3 months. School is over now, and she only has 1 week left! Looking for unusual recommendations. Thanks!




  1. take a double decker bus tour i was in guadalajara last summer and it was awesome

  2. I've read your question eight times and still don't understand what you are asking.I'm happy that your daughter is fluent in Spanish but does it have anything to do with your question?

    What sort of unusual recommendations? For Guadalajara?

    If your daughter has been in Guadalajara for three months hasn't she already seen the usual and unusual sights? School is over but she has one week left. One week left where? In Guadalajara? In Mexico? One week to see or do something unusual? Sorry,I would like to help and maybe it's just me but I just can't seem to make any sense out of your question.


    Ok, thanks,now I understand.I probably can't offer much as she has certainly been there long enough to discover just about everything of interest in and around the city.I know the city pretty well but probably not as well as your daughter does.

    I lived and worked about 31/2 hours south of Guadalajara in Comala a small town in the little state of Colima and had friends that lived in Tapalpa,Jalisco a beautiful little town in the hills just two hours south of GDL.Prior to their move to Tapala they had lived in GDL for nearly two years and they taught me all their '2nd city' secrets. Jalisco is surrounded by great little places especially along the Costa Alegre, and all the way into Nayarit which still remains one of my favorite places in Mexico.

    I hope your daughter will use her language skills to continue to travel and explore in Mexico and also some of the other countries in Latin America. Mexico is fantastic but there is so much more to see and do.Perhaps you could go with her.

  3. look up Yahoo Trip Planner. I got to add a few things for my Mexico City trip that I did not even know about. Hope that helps.

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