
What to do at the age of 50?

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What to do at the age of 50?





  2. Look back at your life and think about all the good you have done for others. If you haven't, why not start now? Give back to the world :), help the needy! You're not living unless you've done some good for others. This world is selfish enough as it is... one less selfish person to worry about. :)

  3. go with my homies cause they still fell like gangsters 8)    they might be 83 but still where the baggy shorts and the collars  HOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. This is the best part of age and needs max action.

    We get  enough experience by the time we turn 50.

    We are financially well off if we have lived life with reasonable care.

    We have sons & daughters mature enough if we had them in our early thirty's or late twenty's.

    We have a well tried spose and know his/ her nature or we have alreadt said him/her goodbye.

    This is the time to let our sons/ daughters start their careers and married life and if we donot have many of them we will be free by the time we turn 55. And we will be left with another 5 years of energy before we retire.

    This in sum & substance is the best part of life when we have, experience, energy, resourses & contacts and sufficent health & energy to move about in life.

    It is the time to prepare to be in  the  the service of our grandsons & grand daughters and nurture them without the mistakes we committed while we nurtured our own sons & daughters.

    It is also time to have enough time to enjoy ourself & have costly trips to destinations which we dreamt but couldnot do.

    It is also time to make ourselves available for the service of society for causes which we felt but could not do.

    It is also time to handle with care our health.

    It is time to devote to spirituality.

  5. I don't think i will live till 50 ...I'm 29 and i have wired heart ache !! lol

    and i m still alive probably i will enjoy life and go cruising, beaches....just relax

  6. cheer up life starts after 50

  7. At 50, I was Internal Auditor of a large Public Company.  I was forced to report, for administrative matters, to a Controller full of self interest and short of any useful advice. The trick was to survive.

  8. Go to schoolagain start from kG ,UKG , then 1st then collage have girlfreind then see dream in this time just start to think about your country & If you have lot of money then donate it

    If you are alone then go on the border

  9. Kill yourself, that's what I'm going to do.

  10. I got first Dibs on shadow's Soul when he commits suicide!!!666

  11. Just do Hari Bhajan !!!!!!!!!!!

  12. i'm 34 and my boyfriend is 57 and i f& cked 3 x today (sunday), so I guess i should be asking you, what do you do?

  13. Live your life to the fullest, start thinking and save money for your retirement,you still have a few good years ahead of u.

  14. If you are financially comfortable, join OSHO or ISKON and enjoy your life.

  15. Hello SIR,


  16. Well u should think about starting ur own business, if u were/are in service right now. The business can be related to your existing or earlier job. If u r already in business, then try to expand it. If u wanna relax, u can join a "Laugh Club" or help other aged persons through any NGO. That will give u satisfaction, relax and peace of mind.


  18. relax

  19. Enjoy as much s*x as you can before it is too late.

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