
What to do at the end of a relationship??

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My fiancé of 2years just left me so now I am in abit of an awkward situ. We had moved in to a rented property and booked our wedding, I have already asked on here about what to do with wedding and have received some good advice...I'm gonna let him deal with it!!

Now I obviously need to leave the rented property because I can't afford it by myself...what happens now as we have signed a contract that states we will being living in the property and payin the rent for twelve months and nowhere in the contract does it say about leaving before the contract is out!!!! Only says what to do if you want to leave after the twelve months ahhhh!! I know that the utility bills will all b sorted by my agent. What about things like the broadband and BT line, I have nowhere to transfer them, will I have 2 keep paying for the service??

Then there's things that we have on store credit for example, computer, television and wii that we are both paying for at the moment, I can no way afford to finish paying them and who gets what, obviously because he left me I feel that I should get them all or he should give me some money for them..

SERIOUS HELP AND ADVICE NEEDED...what are you supposed to do in these situations????




  1. Burn his clothes!  

  2. Be very very careful what you do with the store credit etc

    You are ok if the credit was taken in his name as its then down to him to pay it. If its in your name and you expect him to pay it then you need to take a legal agreement out with him.

    I was in a similar situation with an ex, we split, she wanted me to leave which I did, we agreed that she would continue payments on a sofa which was in my name and she kept, three years later I discovered a default on my name for £1500, as soon as I left she didn't pay. (we even had an agreement).

    Everything depends on whose name it is under, sadly if it under your then you have the responsibility, yes he should pay but sadly nothing can force him to.

    Another option is to offer him the chance to keep the items if he pays you a reduced sum of money upfront, then you can pay the monthly amounts and he get to keep the items (and at a reduced rate) this is a compromise which may not be ideal but is as fair as possible.

  3. I feel for you. I cannot imagine the way you must feel in such an awful situation. Honestly, I cannot tell you how to handle this financial situation – it may be best to find a lawyer and financial consultant to help you budget and so forth. In terms of the wedding, I agree with the advice you were given – he broke it off so let him deal with the repercussions! I can only wish you the best of luck!

  4. Try Citizens advice Bureau. its free and experienced in these areas

  5. you need to go to the citizen's advice bureau and get some free legal advice. good luck, this isn't easy.

  6. As far as the rental property goes, inform your landlord (in writing and immediately) of the situation.  If no tenant is found for the property, you and your ex (if both your names are on the lease) will be responsible for the rent up until a tenant is found or until the end of the lease.  Say good-bye to your security deposit.  Keep on top of the landlord, sometimes they allege no tenant was found when in fact one was found.  This allows them to collect rent from the new tenant and seek a judgment against you.  You should review your lease and see if there's a clause about subletting.  This would be an excellent way to alleviate your burden, but make sure it's within the clause of your agreement.

    If the stuff on store credit is in his name, don't pay a dime towards that.  If not, see about getting a loan to consolidate all those bills.  Stores rape you with their interest rate.

  7. that blows.. glad its not me

  8. Don't panic. You have a short assured tenancy. You may be able to negotiate leaving the property but you will lose your deposit in most cases.

    Cancel the broadband and BT. Explain the circumstances and that you will be reconnecting at a different property at a later date. Ask that no penalties be applied or they will lose your future custom. Don't threaten, it's business.

    Speak to the stores individually and ask them either to extend the hire purchase period, suspend payment for 6 months or return the goods. They'd rather have your dosh than used kit.

    Visit or call at your local office.

    Do not take out any loans as advertised on daytime TV. If you need to suspend you credit card payments, negotiate with the card issuer before stopping payments.

    You must protect your credit rating. If you have a bad credit rating in the current climate it can be a disaster. Make sure your ex keeps up his share of credit payments to keep his rating high and doesn't affect yours.

    Good luck, stay cool, it's business. Negotiate either on the phone and keep a written record, by e-mail or in writing. keep copies of all agreements.

  9. First read your rent agreement and find out who are the parties to the contract. If you have signed jointly you are responsible for 50% only but it is create a bad credit rating for you.You have to pay full amount in the contract to cancel BT and Broadband.

    You can speak to asset finance company and ask whether you could return those items paying a small penalty.

    You have few options.

    If your relationship is not badly damaged you can call him and try to forgive him or ask for forgiveness.

    If you have few rooms find one or two housemates so you can share bills. try fish4 or spare room websites for that.  

  10. You can leave a lease but you have to give 4 weeks notice before being absolved of any legal obligations. You need to cancel the other contracts you have, there might or might not be a cancellation fee. Good luck.

  11. It's time to put on your I'm a *&^ hat!!!!  Whatever is in his name.....s***w it.  Let him take care of that his c**p.  Far as what's in the both of your names, pay priority first.  If you can afford the home, and you love it...KEEP IT, you won't be single for long.  You sound like a wonderful woman that takes care of business, you just got sucker punched (emotionally) by a jerk.  Do what's best for you, you will be fine.  And welcome to the club of "why women get stronger than jerks club"

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