
What to do bout my sister?

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My sister is a 26 year old blonde bombshell! But 6 years ago she got her heart broken by a guy and she hasnt really dated since. I feel sorry for her cause my parents ask to set her up and she refuses (i can understand why) but she won't even come out with me to even try and meet someone. And when she does go on a date it never gets past the friendship stage of the relationship. I love my sister to death but I just hate to see her lonely and I know she does get lonley! She even says that she will never get married or have kids! What should I do, leave her alone and mind my own business or help her see their are good guys out there! Thanks for you help!




  1. Leave her alone to heal in her own way, that is involving the guy part, as for your relationship why not encourage her to go to the gym or join a sport, find an interest for you both to participate in, its ok that she doesn't want to get into another relationship but its not ok to stop living.

  2. She needs to be ready for a relationship first, so let her be until she is ready. A guy will win her heart when the time is right. Pray about it, give it to God and ask him to help her. Just be there for her, and believe God is in control. Good Luck!!

  3. she's afraid to get her heart broken! you should send her to a psychologist maybe that will help

  4. im so sorry to hear that

    but i think you should leave her alone for a while and hive her some time

    maybe some time alone with herself will help her think about stuff

    but remember to always be by her side in case she needs you

    it may help you and herself as well

    i hope she finds her way soon

    good luck!

  5. show her that there r good guys out there. u can change her life

  6. Hon, unfortunately, this decision is one your sister will have to make.  If she's content with being alone, there's not much you can do for her.  When Mr. Right comes along, she'll know it and he'll slowly pick away at the wall she's built around her heart.  Until then, all you can do is love and support her.  

    I'd suggest you continue doing what you're already her decision, yet try to get her to go out with you to meet new people.  When she meets that special someone, she'll make the next move.

    Love and support...that's what siblings are good for!

    God bless you and yours...Always!

  7. she's still hurting - sure eventually the time will come - continue to be there for her and ask her to go with you places - in due time she will meet eyes with someone and forget about the dog  

  8. maybe u shud call the guy who broke her hart and have him give her a prep talk to have her go and date other guys. or just let her start her love life again once she is ready.  

  9. give her my email address

  10. You help her up by cheer her. Like ask her to go outside to the park. Tell her to go somewhere that she like so she can get her smile again.

    I think you should her smile again and all her unhappy stuff can go away.  

  11. She`ll be alright just leave her alone and before you know it she`ll be in love all by her self  without any one elses help!!!!!

  12. An answer to your important question.

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  13. you got to prove to her that there are some guys that aren't like that. I don't know if you would do this but i would ruin that guy's current relationship and have your sister their and laugh about it.

  14. try to get her back together with the one that broke her heart

  15. Your sister needs to learn to forgive this guy,who broke her heart. Six years is much to long. One generally learns about forgiving, and going on with life. How you could bring this about, maybe through some Books on the subject of Forgiveness, If you belong to a church there is much to be learned by reading Scriptures.By joining some exercises groups, clubs where she will meet other people, she would become interested in, and in time she will meet some others that as you say are "good guys" Start out by just meeting new people....

  16. What I'd do in your position is drag her out to the movies. Then force her to sit a couple seats away from a guy who is supposedly "hot". Then when the movie ends and your getting out of the theater, "accidentally" trip and push her into the guy. Hopefully, your sister is too embarassed to say anything to him. As you're leaving, tell her to go and say she's sorry. Maybe even tell her to offer to go somewhere with him. That's the best thing I can think up.

  17. maybe shes still on over him. tell her that the first step is always the hardest. she has to be able to let go to move on.

    or you could just invite someone really hot over. .  

  18. She will heal herself. dont push her or pressure her into anything. Guys are dumb anyway so stay away as long as possible. Let nature take its course i guess. Once your in a positive relationship you know she'll envy it. My suggestion is to get yourself a cute *** guy with a high paying job and maybe even a cute baby and she;ll come around.

  19. Yes, leave her be.  By pressuring you make it worse

  20. OMG that is so depressing i hope that she finds someone that is good for her and good luck=]

  21. Your sister is going to be ready when she is ready.  She has been hurt and it takes every one a different amount of time to heal.  She will let you know when she's ready.  If you try to push too hard, you might end up making it worse by the gulit you add to her.  So ease up.  She loves you too and doesn't want to make you or your family guilty.

    Or you could try it the Kim Kardashian way and set her up on a dating website.  That always leads to trouble though.

  22. maybe she really doesnt want a relationship. but also she may feel as if she cant trust any guy after her heart break. so she probably just needs to eventually stumble on the right guy that is good for her.

  23. work slowly with her and just let her get used to trusting guys more than now. it should work...can you help me now?? plz answer my question! heres the link:;...

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