
What to do during an earthquake?

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What should i do during an earthquake? (Aside from hiding under the tables, that's the oldest step.)




  1. you can't really hide on the table, you can trap

    and uhm.....when there's earthquake, try to save your life. But when you're in the house, try and get out of the house, you might get hit of

  2. A previous answer hit on something important, if you're inside, stay there. It's tempting to run outside but many injuries and deaths occur when people flee a structure only to have pieces of it fall on them on the way out. Standing in a doorway is also outdated advice. In wood frame houses built before WWII (approximately) the door frames and walls were much more substantial and standing there might actually help. Modern homes are more uniform in their design and the doors offer no extra safety.

    Remember, earthquakes don't kill people, buildings kill people. Get a job as a farmer and you should be fine.

  3. You're not supposed to hide under a table really.  You should stand in a doorway or if possible go outside in an open area where nothing can fall on you.


    The following are some of the important precaution to be observed to save our life during an earthquake. Even though we do not have fool proof system to fore warn earthquakes some of the changes in nature or in the behaviors of animals and birds may help to decide the situations.

    Before an earthquake.

    Have a battery powered radio, flash light, and first aid kids in your house ,

    Make sure every one knows where they are kept ,

    Lean first aid; teach how to stop electric main and gas supply ,

    Don’t keep heavy objects in high shelves ,

    Fasten heavy appliances to the floor, and anchor heavy furniture to the walls ,

    Plan for your family for reuniting after an earthquake if anybody separated ,

    Urge your school teachers to discuss earthquake safety in the class rooms, and ask them to conduct drills ,

    Find out your office has an emergency plan, know your responsibility at your works during an emergency .

    During an earthquake.

    Stay calm if you are indoors, stay out if you are out of buildings. Many injuries occur as people enter or leave the buildings.

    If you are indoors , stand against the a wall near the center of the building, or get under a sturdy table  keep some cushion on your head, Stay away from windows and outside doors, if you are in a high rise building stand against a support column.

    If you are in outdoor  stay in the open place , keep away from over head electric wires. and bridges,

    Don’t use open flames, if you are in a moving vehicle stop away from over bridges and stay inside the vehicle still earthquake stops.

    After an earthquake.

    Check yourself and nearby people for injury, provide first aid,

    Check electric and gas connection,

    Turn on your radio or T.V for emergency instructions, reduce the use of phone lines it may be required for conveying some important messages.

    Stay out of damaged buildings,

    Wear chapels and gloves to protect against shattered glass and debris.

    Have one simple earthquake alarm installed in your house.

    Stay away from beaches and water front areas where Tsunami could strike, even long after the shaking has stopped.

  5. Go to an open area where no building can fall on you.

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