
What to do during the wedding song?

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I'm getting married soon and my mother wants to play / dedicate a song for me at the wedding. I have no problem with this. She unfortunately wanted to dance to it. I told her no way. She finally accepted that I wasn't going to dance with her but now I'm at a loss at what to do during the song. The song is a little over 3 minutes and I don't want my guests just sitting around while it's playing. Plus, I don't even know how to put the song in the time line. I was thinking to maybe have her say a few words after my dance / before the dinner & then have the DJ play it but I'm still at a loss of what to do during. Should I just suck it up & have us all sit through it? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.




  1. slide show would be the best option.  My sister's best man put together a slide show with videos and photos - it was really great.  Everyone enjoys it.  Maybe because it is your Mum you can start right from childhood - both you and your fiance - and go from there.

  2. I take it you're actually talking about the reception?  Maybe they could introduce it and have it done just before/during the dinner service or while they're serving champagne for the toast?  Have the Dee Jay introduce the song as a dedication...  at either of those two points everyone is/should be in their seats.

  3. Invite everyone to get up and dance to it. That way u dont have to dance with her. You could dance with whoever u like and she could dance with someone else. Y wont u dance with her?? What song is it??

  4. dance with her!! even though you don't want to.. it's the only thing that makes sense during a song. you really can't do anything else besides dance.. plus it will make your mother so happy!!

  5. Its funny how you can make a decision like getting married yet you cant decide about what to do during the wedding song. Weddings are torture. Elope. It's kinder for your guest.

  6. Do you have someone that can make a slide-show type thing of yours, and your H2B's childhood pictures? you could play the song durring the slide-show.

    Thats what I did :)

  7. cry

  8. Cry, smile ,

  9. I would have a slide of dont have to have them cooridnate with the song but just random pictures of you and your spouse...

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