
What to do for 16mth old's bad cough?

by  |  earlier

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he's not showing signs of having a cold or flu (well, not yet anyhow) and its only been going on for a day or so. is there anything that I can give him, or do for him that will nip this in the butt before it gets worse?




  1. I heard this through some friends and thought it was ridiculous and then my son was up half the night with a cough so I tried it - AND IT WORKS!  Strange but true - rub some Vicks Vapor Rub on his feet and put socks on.  I don't know why it works, if it's the reflexology of rubbing the feet or something in the Vicks, but it works.  

  2. consult your doctor quick!!

  3. To avoid chemical medicines and do something natural and highly effective, I recommend applying a linseed poltuice. You take some linseeds (flaxseeds) and boil them in water until they get gloopy. Then wrap the mix in chux wipes or cheesecloth while they are still hot, but not hot enough to burn, and put against your babe's chest, securing it with a tight-fitting singlet or bodysuit.

    Check it won't burn but that it is nice and hot.

    It helps to loosen a cough immensely. Bubs will cough anything bad out and it helps to speed healing immensely.

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