
What to do for Birthday TOMORROW ! Woot.?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering what to do for birthday?

any suggestions or ideas,

im clueless

thanks for help!




  1. Do you know how to make pancakes? Very hot pan and batter made with egg, flour and milk...and left to stand for an hour. Make the pancakes in the can throw away the ones you get wrong before you get the hang of it. Remember the pan has to be very hot, smoking with just a wipe of butter, and after the batter hits the pan raise it so it

    cools a bit as it cooks through before turning it.

    Right so you've made a whole pile of pancakes early on.

    You can roll up your pancakes around all manner of good things: a slice of ham and a jarred pickled pepper, some boiled egg and mayonnaise, a stick of blue cheese and chili sauce. And of course in the freezer you've those filled with ice-cream and frozen berries.

    We call pancakes BLINI in Russia, and we use buckwheat flour rather than wheat, but it's the same idea. Everyone will love the combination, and you'll become an expert pan-caker!!

  2. Invite some of your best friends over. Have them wear their pajamas and have a movie night with popcorn and soda. It is a quick and easy party!!! And a lot of fun!!! Hope your birthday goes great!!!

  3. have friends over for the night, rent some movies, order pizza... its a classic party, very fun. that or moonlight bowling with a couple close friends and have them spend the night. both very fun, simple, not too expensive. by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=]

  4. Invite some freinds over, have a good time.

  5. OK take your guests to a nail salon to get their nails and/or toes done then go see a movie and then go back to your house for a sleep over while you are home talk about boys and play ddr and watch movies

    you could instead of getting your toes don you could get your hair put in up-dos then go to a movie or cosmic bowling (if you go cosmic bowling have your guests wear lots of white so you all glow

    or go to a mall and break off into to two teams give each team a budget try 30 dollars each then create a fake event like i need a complete outfit from shoes to accessories for an all pink party then give them your shoe size and clothes size and say that all items must be in that size....then the team with the cuttest outfit wins each team member from the winning team gets to pick one item from either outfit to keep then you get the rest

    or have them come to your house and you guys can do each others hair and nails and make up and everything also get a couple of those sleeping masks then buy a whole bunch of gems and feathers then have each girl decorate their own mask!

    good luck and have fun

  6. How old r u gonna be?

  7. Invite over some friends to par - tay! Get pizza, make some food, and chips and soda are always good! Maybe a sleepover would be good, too! If so, make sure you have plenty of midnight snacks and in the morning make this recipe:



    1 cup all-purpose flour

    1 teaspoon baking powder

    1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1 tablespoon white sugar

    1 egg

    1/2 cup plain yogurt

    1/2 cup milk

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil

    3/4 cup chocolate chips


    1  Preheat griddle over medium heat. Stir together the flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar, set aside.  

    2  In a medium bowl, stir together the egg, yogurt, milk and oil. Gradually stir in the flour mixture, then fold in the chocolate chips.  

    3  Pour batter onto hot greased griddle, two tablespoons at a time. Cook over medium heat until bubbles pop and stay open, then turn over and cook on the other side until golden.

    Also some fun things like Twister and Mini - makeovers would be fun!

  8. Put on a play and make the adults play to watch !  Your birthday, so you choose and star in it (eg: Cindarella - you get to be Cinders, etc.)  Take lots of photos - should be a laugh

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