i need to just get away ive been so stressed lateley between buying a house, working crazy hours, and trying to deal with all kinds of stuff.
i havent been able to just relax for even one whole day for a long while (all year really) ive been working 6 days a week mon - sat then usually i have stuff to do on sunday, and if im not workin saturday i always have stuff to do then too.
I have been feeling very ehxausted and just need to step away from everything for a weekend or something.
Last year I took a vacation but there was a bunch of people with us and it was just stressful and didnt just get to have a good time.
but before that i havent had a vacation in a couple of years.
A couple of my buddies and me are planning to go to Cedar Point in a week or 2.
but i just need to clear my mind.
Also where ever i go should i take the girl iven been seeing for a couple of weeks to get to know each other better?
whats a good idea on what to do?