
What to do for a girl's 8 year old birthday party??!?

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my little sister is turning 8 years old and me and my mom planned to celebrate it at our house in our backyard. We already invited like 10 kids both boys and girls. And we were gonna rent some infatables/moonwalk, but now we can't cuz my mom didn't realize how much money they were. so now we don't know what to do for the party. we don't want it to be boring.

have any ideas what to do for an 8 year olds girl birthday party that will have boys and girls???




  1. rent a good movie like finding nemo, or meet the robinsons, or ANY DISNEY movie

    then  let them set on chairs, junk food

    give then small gifts like candy/toys fromm the dollar store packaged together

  2. maybe set up a stereo or something so they can have a dance party or have a little karaoke ..also pinatas aren't that expensive when i was 8 i got one it was sweet. or you can get cheap little $1 water guns and have a war...also you can set up a tresure hunt or scavenger hunt and base it on things in you r neighborhood/backyard or house and the prize can be hot wheels for the boys and cool little knickknacks from Claire's or something like that  

  3. to start off, when all the kids arrive, make sure you have the food ready (if its afternoon party) you might wanna do the classic hamburger/hot dog or pizza then you once they've eaten, go outside and play a waterballoon relay ~ have a chair at one end of the yard with a basket of waterballoons in it , and the kids (in teams) at the other end. when you say go, they run to the other end, grab a baloon, plop it on the chair and sit on it until it plops (of course, ask them to bring their bathing suits!!!). Once you're finished you could have cake and ice cream then go outside and crack open the pinata! to make things fair, have the candy evenly divided into ziploc bags before you put them in the pinata.  once your done with that, play splash it. simply have someone by your hose, then have the others in a circle, passing around the nossel of the hose, when the person by the hose turns it on, it splashes whoever has it (version of musical chairs) there are lots of other water games like this you could play. once everyone is tired have them dry off, then come inside and watch a disney movie such as Finding Nemo or any other movie the youngsters want to watch. When they leave hand them their goodybag and have your daughter tell them thank you for coming

  4. My daughter is turning 7 and we are basically just turning them loose on the swingset with frisbees, water guns, etc and of course we bought the new Hannah Montana DVD as a bad weather backup plan. Kids don't need a lot of structured activities, I think at that age just playing around is enough.  

  5. play games have a pinata, swimming(if u have a pool) do a craft idk whatever she likes to do

  6. canrival style? wat does she want?

  7. I thought of a horse party! you could have plates and stuff with horse theme! also, If you are willing to spend a little more money you could rent a horse and give pony rides!


    I also thought of a Magic party! You could have lots of cool ribbons and dice hanging around! you could even higher a Magician! and instead of having cone party hats have little top hats like a Magician would ware!


    I was going to just stop writing now but I was just sitting here drinking Hawaiian Punch and I thought about a Hawaiian Punch Party! It would be something you would make instead of buy! You could Have little surfer dudes around the yard like the one on the dan of the drink! They wold drink Hawaiian punch there could be some games like pin the surf board one the dude(like pin the tail on the donkey) or PUNCH! the surf board( Have a big picture of a surf board and the kid would ware a glove for  protection and a blind fold and they would try to hit the target in the middle of the surf board)

    You could even take them to the beach and they could play around on boogie boards(4-20$)Any thing to keep them entertained!


    Hope I helped

    P.s. for  punch the surf board use a puffy mitten that you don't care about  any more and have them stamp it with ink so every one will see if they get a target!

  8. yea, those inflatable things are expensive. my soon to be ten year old is going to have a party and i'm on a tight budget. here's what were doing...

    a pinata and pass out goodie bags for the kids.

    balloon who can walk the farthest with the balloon between their knees..etc...

    guess how many candies are in the jar.

    pin the tale on the donkey...etc.

    you must have prizes though, just go to a dollar store and get something. we are having a Hannah montana theme too. they're will be boys here too so i always try to have some toys for them.

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