
What to do for one year old bday party?!?

by  |  earlier

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My osn turns 1 in a month, and we have about 50 -60 people that would come to the party... All adults except for about 3 kids... What should we do? Where is a good place to have it? (we live in AZ so the park is out ...waaaaaay to hot)

I was thinking about giving adult gift bags, putting scratcher ticket and little candy indie the baggies sine everyone would be adults...but what else to do? just cake and presents?

any ideas would be helpful..

thank you




  1. for a group that size a nice park with a playground would be really nice.  It is Free and has enough space for everyone.

  2. It's your son's birthday, don't worry too much about buying all the adult's gifts! As long as they are all fed it should be fine, everyone will just mingle and watch your son make a mess out of cake.

  3. For my son's first b-day we did a sports themed party.  I bought my son a 49er Jersey to wear and Daddy and me wore our jersey too!  We asked everyone to wear their favorite jersey and we played sports games all night.  We even had a sports related trivia contest.   The person to fill out all of the spaces on the test first with correct answers got a bottle of wine.  I bought football balloons at the dollar store and put them on the tables and his cake looked like a giant football field.  The food was like food you find at a tailgate party.  Needless to say everyone had a great time.

  4. he's just one so it's basically just an  adult  get together... i would go out to eat somewhere and depending on whether your son is shy save opening all those presents for at home.

  5. you should have like a night in shineing armor kindda theme and have a simple cake and play toddler music (like if your happy and you know it) and use very little decorations... (at iParty it would cost a good 150$, well spent) and i would require every body to bring him presants (preferable ones he wants)

  6. You are in a great position to be the best parent in the world. This is what I am planning for my child's first birthday, (And I've had a couple b-day parties before,so trust me on this.)

    Man, I got this idea from Wise 'ol owl from Y/A and it makes so much sense.

    I got on my computer and have planned a "Virtual Birthday Party". I came up with a time and theme, "Future World Leader". I'm putting it on the internet, listing all future goals and planned accomplishments. After calculating the events and activities, schools, books, college and universities, I'm giving a  p.o. box for gifts to be donated for future expenses.

    My child gets great gifts and I have no mess to clean up. he won't remember this one, but in the future, he will know that all of what he has came from love ones who sent well wishes and monies that were wisely invested for him.


  7. It depends on what's most important to you. If you want have tons of pics, and something for your kid to look back on, then find do it up.

    Otherwise, I'd just hang out at the house, have some snacks, maybe find some games to do, and cake and presents, yeah.

    You could always do some sort of pool party. If you have a backyard, you could get one of those $10 mini pools and let the kids play in there. Give them each a duck for the tub.

    Or, just go to your fav restuarant, have them sing happy bday, give you a piece of cake, pie, cupcake - whatever they do - take some pics, maybe do a balloon. You can do presents there, or leave them at the house, or do some there and some at the house.

    I'm glad that I did something for my first kid's bday, but I'm not. It really doesn't start to matter till they're about 4? I've been some bday parties for kids 1-3, and the kids really didn't care. They wanted cake, presents, and fun. My daughter didn't even care about presents. She just wanted to play at the park with her cousins and friend.

    Or, don't even do presents at all. OR! Suggest that everyone bring $1 as their present, and it'll all add up. They're gonna have so much junk (toys) in no time, you're not gonna know what to do with them. Then you're gonna be like, "what the heck do I get 'em know?!".

    You'll figure it out. It'll be good. :)

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