
What to do for school?

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School is coming up next Wednesday...I am expecting the worse out of people. I know because my Musilm friend had gotten called a "Terrorist" attacker. I want to wear my hijab, but I don't know what people will think... I love wearing the hijab, but my mom hates me doing so. She thinks so low of it. She doesn't talk to me because I wear it. My dad is fine with it. What to do?




  1. ahh! sis im doing the same thing!

    sister remember that at the end of the day, its not people who are going to be judging u... its Allah (swt) and Allah alone that will judge u. people's judgements means nothing! who's gona dtermine what's gona happen to u in the hereafter???? ur friends or Allah subhannah wa'tala?


    dnt care one bit

    i have terrible people at my school but just blank them and bring Allah (swt) to your mind.

    ive worn my hijab outside with my friends and Alhamdulila they were fine with it as they are great friends :)

    my mom isnt a fan either says my hair is too nice to put away and it makes me look ugly ect. :(

    but i dont care. the other day i went out with my friend and i didnt wear hijab, instead i put it out side on the postbox. then wen i sed bye i walked out the house and put it on outside. then wen i came back i took it off right before going in and hid it in my bag :)

    its not easy and im not saying u should sneak around but if u really are as desparate as me lol... :)

    jazakhi Allah khair

  2. We live our lives for Allah and only Allah. Allah has commanded us to cover ourselves in modesty. Don't let people put you down, be yourself, and a good muslim. Remember life is a test, what would a test be without difficult times? Be the stronger person and stick with your beliefs. The world is evil, full of temptations and bad people who will always try to put you down, Islam is looked down upon because of media alot recentlly, so we, as Muslims should try to show them the real truth about Islam by practicing it correctly and showing them the true beauty of Islam. Inshallah you will not have a hard time for wearing the Hijab. And if you do, remember Allah is the greatest, pray to him and he will bring you through it.

    They say Heaven is at the feet of your mothers. So try to keep your parents happy. However, parents are not always right so don't be put down by your mom, I'm sure your dad will help you through too.

    Keep it up sister, Mashallah

    Fi'aman Allah (I leave you in the protection of Allah - for the non muslims who think i might be swearing at them lol) :P

  3. "When the Onlook is tough, try the uplook," is all I can say, sorry...

  4. Don't worry about the Terrorist thing, I'm  going to 10th grade, but I got called a terrorist a lot by my freinds kinda as a joke and we made jokes about it. People will get used to it, at first they'll kinda be in shock for a week then as skool progresses they won't really care.

  5. dear sister. don't expect any good from the non-muslims( i mean comments) let them tell anything take help from Allah. when i accepted Islaam i faced situations worse(not self praising) than anything. but i stayed firm on my belief i was only 15 then and subhanallah the result was amazing-it changed both my parents life my mom and dad accepted islaam alhamdulillah. i took 1 whole year but now it's fin alhamdullilah. i was too hated for wearing the headscarf but i insisted on it. i was kept without food for going to school with the hijab but now it's changed. people'll comment but it takes time soon they and you both will adjust ar maybe they might change. who knows?

    i say just wear your hijab and go to school. the more people hate you your taqwa and eman grows stronger and stronger.  

  6. Salam sister

    go to school whithg yuor Hijab, show how good muslims can be and they are not Terrorist. never. also, whoever talks trash about you tall em that you found the right path and they should go for it too. dont lienten to them. they are soooo stupid ans closed minded for whover says anything about you that is bad.

    some girl went to school wih a hijab on ramanadan and guys started making fun of her. she ignored them then kept her hijab on till the end of they year and they forgot about it.

    there wil; always be a group of hater and lovers. go for the lovers.


  7. Tell yo momma that you don't wanna be slutteh no mo.

    Tell those kids at school to s***w themselves because yo don't wanna be slutteh no mo.

  8. Who cares what people think. They are not going to help you get into Heaven when you die, you have to make the right choices. Wear a hijab, ignore those people that think muslims are terrorists, those people are stupid, and you shouldn't care what they think of the hijab.

  9. go to school proud that u r a muslim person and muslims not terrorist

  10. Show people what Muslim people can be like.  Be proud of who you are and be the best person you can be.  It will help the prejudice disappear.

  11. u should ignore those children and wear the hijab even if ur mother doesn't agree of u wearing the hijab

    u should go ahead and wear it becoz u know what's right but ur mom is tring to hide that from u

    u have ur father supporting u to wear the hijabso go ahead atleast u have someone in ur family supporting u

    go ahead!  i support u also!  DO WHAT"S RIGHT!!
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