
What to do for sore fingers from playing guitar..?

by  |  earlier

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i used to play all of the time, and i havent in a while, i am just now getting back into it. but my fingers hurt so dang bad it keeps me from practicing as much as i would like there anything i can do besides the obvious, or just keep playing until they calous?




  1. advil... that pain is progress man, wait it out. When you can play in front of your friends and **** for hours without pain, you'll look back and be like wow I really accomplished something here...

  2. Sorry, I think you just have to keep playing until the callouses build back up.  It's a pain, I know!

  3. After they are calloused you'll notice that the muscles are sore as well, I did at least, and I would soak my hand in warm water to loosen them up.

  4. yes the first answer. the more you play the harder you fingure tips will become. it will go away in a few day then you will be able to play non stop with out pain. good luck

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