I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years and we're trying to get pregnant, we only used protection (condoms and i tried birth control pills for about a month) for like 1 year without ever fearing of becoming pregnant, but not we want to have a baby.. and i'm very afraid that if we go to the doctor he could tells us one of us can't have kids, i know i should probably go soon, but before i do it i'd like to try different stuff that you know for getting pregnant, like positions, what to do before and after we have s*x and if you think there is a greater chance of becoming pregnant if we don't have s*x for a while and that way his s***n is even stronger..
I'm not really sure i know when i'm ovulating and have no clue how the ovulating tests work!
Please help us, this is putting us through a lot of stress!!
Thank you so much..