
What to do if a possible attack to a rider is imminent during cycling in a small group?

by  |  earlier

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The other day while I was riding with two of my friends, one friend of mine was kicked off his bicycle and attempted to steal his bicycle. We were riding in a single file on the sidewalk, I was last in the line, I spotted the person crossing the street towards our path. I quickly noticed that the his crossing was very unusual due to the fact that there was no cars going either way in the 4-laned street. It was too late before I warned my group. He intercepted our middle rider and kicked, who is also the smallest (in size) and newest bicycle. He failed to take the bicycle.

In addition, the kick didn't make our middle rider go flying but just lose enough control to fall off only suffering minor injuries.

I had time to react if I were do to something but I hesitated whether to flag him as dangerous or not to my group. What other options could I have taken other than telling my group to disperse as fast as they could?




  1. dude that really suck, im sorry u had to experience that, tha must have reallyt ben scarry. Well really theres nothing u cud of done to avoid the situation, dont feel bad or think its ur fault, **** happens man and u learn from ur mistakes, next time u will report suspious activity to ur group thats all u can do, good luck and stay safe man

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