
What to do if a snake is living in your driveway beams?

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Who are you supposed to call if there's a snake living in your driveway beams?

A friend of mine has long, huge wooden hollowed out beams lining her driveway.. well, recently she found out (while sitting on her porch) that a 4-5 foot snake of unknown species is living in her beam!

It goes back and forth and usually peaks his head out to see if anyone's around before he goes about his business. She's a bit freaked out, but animal control doesn't think its an issue to have a snake living beside you.

My concern is: What if it's venomous and the kids get bit one day? (she tried to keep them away, but you know how kids are..)

What do you do!




  1. the snake is keeping the place clean of rodents.  leave it be.    and "what if" it isn't venomous?  

  2. If I had a snake I would be proud.  Most snakes are not dangerous.  It will eat the little rodents that live by her.  

    Red on Yellow, kill a fellow

    If it's green, then it's keen.

    Red on Black, name it Jack.

    or something like that.  

  3. Do you have a Snake Remover type business within your area? You may need to pay for it to remove the snake but it will put your friends mind at ease and he/she will usually be able to tell you what type of snake it is they've removed. They will usually re home the snake so they don't get killed just for being caught.. I know I wouldn't like the idea of an unknown snake is living in my drive where my kids could get bit.

    Good luck

    EDIT - to the below poster ... 'What if' it is venemous and bites a child? anyone willing to put children at risk incase it isn't venemous clearly doesn't have children. When snakes are removed by a professional snake handler they aren't hurt, they are simply removed from the area. No it might not be hurting anyone .. yet. Sorry but i'd be gone with the snake. My child life isn't worth risking.

    I live in South Australia where, to be honest, if there's snake in your yard it's generally not a nice one so we are always instructed by our local goverment to have the snake professionally caught and re-homed.

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