
What to do if babysitter tells you that child showed off his willy in her care!?

by  |  earlier

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yes you heard right!

he thought it was funny




  1. i think it really depends on his age first of all. if he is know 3, 4, 5 then just sit down and talk to him about why that is not a nice thing to do and i would also take the time to express to him about letting you know if anyone ever touches that place as well. but boys will be boys..i have two..i know!!!

  2. I was awful to my babysitters and they never snitched on me, my dad would have paddled me big time.

  3. well it all depends on the age. if hes younger than 5 its kind of natural and you just need to talk to him about it. if hes older than that he should probably know better and you might want to tell him if it happens again there might me a punishment.

    you might should also talk to the babysitter and explain to her how to handle the situation, because she probably hasn't dealt with this before. make sure she knows what to say to him when this happens.

  4. How old was he?? If he's younger, that it is completely normal, and you need to have a talk with him about how it's not right to show your private parts.  

  5. It's called a p***s, and it depends on how old the child is.

  6. If he's old enough to know better I would tell him that he'll get disciplined the next time he does it. However, if he's fairly young I would just talk to him about how that's private and he shouldn't show it to people.  

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