
What to do if boss is verbally abusive

by  |  earlier

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I work at Arby's and I have heard the boss call me out of my name, and I have also heard him calling others out of their names as well. I am currently looking for another job, because I don't want to deal with it, but I want to know if there is something else I could do.




  1. well report your dumb boss! what he is doing is not right and he needs to be reprimanded ... go to the Arby's corporate office and report him. threaten to file a law suit if they don't do something.  

  2. Report his abuse directly to his boss or to the corporate headquarters. They will follow it up and maybe replace him before you quit. In any event, they will definitely follow up this matter.

  3. What does he call you?  At any rate, he has no right to verbally abuse you and you have the right to meet with him and let him know that you take offense to name calling.  It is never appropriate in any work place.  

  4. What do you mean call you out of your name? Is he calling you names? You need to be more specific in your questions.

    If you feel he is being abusive you have the right to meet with him and explain your situation.

  5. tell his boss and get him fired

  6. I like somebody else's answer. I am not sure what you mean by calling you out of your name.  If he is calling you for doing not doing a job right or he just needs you for a job related task that is not abuse.  We can't help you because your question is confusing.  Before you start trouble at a corp office, you need to look at yourself first so you don't end up as a known trouble maker.  If you are unhappy there, find another job.  Fast food jobs are a dime a dozen.  Sometimes it is better to leave quietly so you can use the company for a reference.  Hope this helps.

  7. oqygdoahfoagbfjubf DRIVES ME INSANE prople like that


    i know people say tell someone but after a while when it goes on n on noone cares anymore...such a shame

  8. I'm not entirely sure of what you mean by "call me out of my name". However, if you feel your boss is being verbally abusive to you you should take it up with the corporate Arby's office. They're probably more able to help you out than anyone else.

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