
What to do if engine failure accur in flight in propoller aircraft like Dimond?

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What to do if engine failure accur in flight in propoller aircraft like Dimond?




  1. First, fly the airplane. Now look for a safe place to land.

  2. Assuming you mean a single-engine airplane, it goes something like this...

    1.  Set up Best Glide Speed

    2.  Find the best place to land within gliding range.  If it is dark or you are on instruments and cannot gauge the terrain, continue glide straight ahead.

    3.  Follow the air restart checklist for the aircraft.  If able, call on 121.5 and report situation (Normally included in checklist).

    4.  If unable to restart, continue glide until near chosen landing location.

    5.  Before touching down, turn off mags, master, and fuel valve.

    In a multi-engine airplane, follow the engine-out checklist.

    Good luck.

  3. First. Establish best glide speed, defined in the aircraft POH. Trim to reduce control pressure. Perform engine out checklist and try restart. Look for the best spot for off field landing. Notify ATCC of your position and circumstance.

  4. you would have to go and find a place with no trees and keep the head up so that it wont fall straight to the ground.

  5. look for a place to set it down

  6. Too bad its not a Cirrus, you just push a button and a parachute blows out the back.

  7. You look for the safest place to land withing the gliding range of your position. It may be a road, a field, or some other smooth open surface.

    "Forced landings" are practiced by student pilots with instructor guidance during initial training. Of course, you don't actually touch down during this practice, but you generally get to fly low to the selected spot.

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