
What to do if i stepped on Thorns?

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So i was playing outside in my backyard and i didnt wear any slippers, i was chasing after a ball and i stepped on a thorny ball, i dnt kno wat it is, its not metal its like plant or sumthing, so i took the big chunk of throns out but there are still tiny thorns i cant even see stuck on my feet, when i walk around it kind of hurts, what do i do, does it just go away?, and also i do Taekwondo, will i still be able to continue doing it even though my feet is like this?




  1. have some one look at yor foot or feet and see if they see any thorns . another way is spread elmers glue lightly all over your foot or feet let dry then peel off. and as far as pain rub alcohol all over them  

  2. Beat a garlic flat after you peel it and band it at infected area. leave it there for 2 or 3 days.

  3. i would say to make sure you get all of the little thorns out with tweezers and maybe put neosporn on it- it should help.  good luck!

  4. If you "can't even see" the tiny thorns, how do you know they're there? You don't, there are no "tiny thorns" in your feet.  Obviously when you walk it's not going to be comfortable, you just poked a bunch of holes through your skin.  If you're that worried about it, put some polysporin and a band-aid on it.  You'll be fine in no time, and yes - it will "just go away" when you give your body time to heal itself - medicine is not instantaneous, although these days everybody seems to think it is.

  5. Soak your feet in warm water. This will loosen the skin and hopefully release any trapped thorns that may still be in there. Try looking through a magnifying glass too to see if there is anything visible.

  6. Go to the Dr. and have him remove the could get an infection and if they are tiny they can travel.

    I know a kid that fell in a thorn bush trying to catch a ball. all the thorns were removed by the mom  but he had 2 tiny ones in his chest and had to go to the ER to have them removed. The Dr. said it was good he came, before it got infected and they traveled.

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