The a/c unit in the house we rent is just about completely worn out. At the start of the summer, we started to notice that it didn't cool properly. The landlord had the repair company come out and look at it. They cleaned everything and said it should work. A week later, it was 80 degrees indoors, and they came back out. This guy said the unit has seen it's better days. It cooled 20 degrees from what it was outside, but since it was 100 outside, 80 was the best it could do. That didn't sit will with me but whatever. The landlord said that since it was working, she was not going to replace it. We bought a portable unit to use in the kitchen. That helps, but not much. The central a/c unit is getting worse. We're now lucky to get a 10 degree difference. I've emailed, but haven't gotten any answers. My lease doesn't specifically say who is responsible for keeping such appliances working. I don't know what to do! I have a baby, and he gets hot easily! Help!